A sample custom layout algorithm

If the layout algorithms provided with Rogue Wave®  JViews Diagrammer do not meet your needs, you can develop your own layout algorithms by subclassing IlvGraphLayout.
When a subclass of IlvGraphLayout is created, it automatically fits into the generic Rogue Wave  JViews Diagrammer layout framework and benefits from its infrastructure:


To illustrate the basic ideas for defining a new layout, the following simple example shows a possible implementation of the simplest layout algorithm, the Random Layout. The new layout class is called MyRandomLayout .
The following code shows the skeleton of the class:
public class MyRandomLayout
  extends IlvGraphLayout
  public MyRandomLayout()

  public MyRandomLayout(MyRandomLayout source)

  public IlvGraphLayout copy()
    return new MyRandomLayout(this);

  protected void layout(boolean redraw)
The constructor with no arguments is empty.
The copy constructor and the copy method are implemented, because they are used when laying out a nested graph (see Nested layouts).
Then, the abstract method layout(boolean) of the base class is implemented as follows:
 protected void layout(boolean redraw) 
    // obtain the graph model
    IlvGraphModel graphModel = getGraphModel();
    // obtain the layout report 
    IlvGraphLayoutReport layoutReport = getLayoutReport(); 
    // obtain the layout region 
    IlvRect rect = getCalcLayoutRegion(); 
    float xMin = rect.x; 
    float yMin = rect.y; 
    float xMax = rect.x + rect.width; 
    float yMax = rect.y + rect.height; 
    // initialize the random generator 
    Random random = (isUseSeedValueForRandomGenerator()) ? 
        new Random(getSeedValueForRandomGenerator()) :
        new Random(); 
    // browse the objects in the grapher 
    Enumeration nodes = graphModel.getNodes(); 
    while (nodes.hasMoreElements()) { 
        Object node = nodes.nextElement(); 
        // skip fixed nodes
        if (isPreserveFixedNodes() && isFixed(node)))
        // compute coordinates 
        float x = xMin + (xMax - xMin) * random.nextFloat(); 
        float y = yMin + (yMax - yMin) * random.nextFloat(); 
        // move the node to the computed position 
        graphModel.moveNode(node, x, y, redraw); 
        // notify listeners on layout events 
    // set the layout report code 
The layout method is protected , which is the access type of the method in the base class. This does not prevent a user outside the package that contains the class from performing the layout, because it is started by using the public method performLayout .