Self-links: spacing parameters

The spacing between the node bounds and the self-link bends can be specified. If a positive value is specified, this value is used to define the spacing. If a negative value is specified, the spacing is calculated automatically. The behavior with negative values is particularly useful for the square self-link modes in combination with spline links to form approximate circle shapes for self-links.
Add to the GraphLayout section:
selfLinkSpacing: “10”;
In Java
Use the method:
setSelfLinkSpacing(float spacing);
You can specify the position where the self-link attaches at the bounding box of the node. If the self-link mode is a rectangular mode, the attach position can be specified at both border sides where the self-link attaches. For example, a self-link at the lower right corner attaches at the lower border side of the node, which can be specified as x-component, and at the right border side of the node, which can be specified as y-component. If the self-link mode is a square mode, it takes into account only the attach position at one of the two sides, because the shape must be a square, so the other attach position is automatically calculated.
For experts: If you specify both an x-attach position and a y-attach position when the self-link mode is a square mode, the algorithm always chooses the value that results in a smaller square size.
The attach position is always specified relative to the corner where the self-link occurs. The coordinate 0 is exactly at the corner and increasing values move the attach position farther from the corner. Therefore, the rectangular or square shape of the self-link grows ever larger with increasing values. For example, when the self-link is at the lower right corner, increasing x-components moves the attach position toward the left, and increasing y-components moves it toward the upper corner. When the self-link is at the upper left corner, increasing x-components moves the attach position toward the right, and increasing y-components moves it toward the lower corner. The attach position can be specified relative to the current size of the node; 0 specifies the corner where the self-link occurs and 0.5 specifies the middle of the side where the self-link attaches. The attach position can be specified as an absolute position. If both relative and absolute attach positions are specified, the real attach position is the sum of the two of them.
with relative attach positions x=0.2 and y=0.6 relative to the lower
right and upper left corners
Relative attach position x=0.2, y=0.6 for a self-link at the lower right and upper left corners
Add to the GraphLayout section:
layout.selfLinkRelativeAttachPosition: “0.3, 0.5”;
layout.selfLinkAbsoluteAttachPosition: “30, 50”;
In Java
Use the methods:
setSelfLinkRelativeAttachPosition(IlvPoint position);
setSelfLinkAbsoluteAttachPosition(IlvPoint position);