Multiple self-links

If you have multiple self-links at a node, they are bundled like multilinks. The bends of the self-links are shifted to avoid self-links overlapping each other. The multiself-links can be distributed in relation to the attachment position in various ways. The specified attachment position refers to the middle of the bundle, or it refers to the outermost link of the bundle, or it refers to the innermost link of the bundle. This is illustrated by the following figures. The attachment position is the same in all three cases and is indicated by the two small crosses (X), but the multiself-link distribution is variously centered, toward the inside of the bundle, or toward the outside of the bundle.
Multiself-link distribution Figures showing the distribution
self-links with a centered distribution
Toward the inside of the multiself-link bundle
self-links with distribution toward the inside of the bundle
Toward the outside of the multiself-link bundle
self-links with distribution toward the outside of the bundle
Multiself-link distribution
Add to the GraphLayout section:
multiSelfLinkDistribution: “INNER”;
In Java
Use the method:
setMultiSelfLinkDistribution(int distribution);
The valid values for distribution are given with the example of Uniform Length Edges layout:
  • IlvUniformLengthEdgesLayout.CENTERED
  • IlvUniformLengthEdgesLayout.INNER
  • IlvUniformLengthEdgesLayout.OUTER
The offset between the bends of the self-links can be specified. These parameters have the same meaning as the corresponding parameters on general multilinks, but apply only to self-links that are multilink bundles.
Add to the GraphLayout section:
multiSelfLinkOffset: "10";
multiSelfLinkMaxSpread: "60";
In Java
Use the methods:
setMultiSelfLinkOffset(float offset);
setMultiSelfLinkMaxSpread(float maxSpread);
The multiself-link offset is the offset between two neighboring self-links (or their bends). The value of maxSpread limits this offset to avoid having too much space used when you have too many multiple self-links. If the multiself-link offset is 10 and the value of maxSpread is 60, the effective offset is 10 if you have less than six multiself-links. If you have more multiself-links, the effective offset is reduced. For example, if you have 15 multiself-links, the effective offset will be 4 instead of 10 to ensure that the self-links are shifted at most 60 units apart from each other. If the self-link mode is one of the narrow modes, for example, NARROW_CONNECTED_RECTANGULAR, the effective offset is further limited by the size of the bounding box of the node where the self-links occur.