Using a link connection box interface (TL)

Sometimes it is necessary to place the connection points on a rectangle smaller or larger than the bounding box, possibly in a nonsymmetric way. For instance, it can happen when labels are displayed below or above nodes.
You can modify the position of the connection points of the links by providing a class that implements the IlvLinkConnectionBoxInterface. An example for the implementation of a link connection box interface is in Link connection box. To set a link connection box interface in Java™ , call:
void setLinkConnectionBoxInterface(IlvLinkConnectionBoxInterface interface) 
The link connection box interface provides each node with a link connection box and a tangential shift offset that defines how much the connection points are “shifted” tangentially depending on which side the links connect.
The following figure illustrates the effects of customizing the connection box when the connector style is evenly spaced.
illustrating the effect of the link connection box interface
Effect of connection box interface
On the left is the result without any connection box interface. The middle picture shows the effect if the connection box interface returns the dashed rectangle for the blue node but the tangential offset at all sides of the node is 0. Notice that the outgoing links are spaced according to the dashed rectangle, which appears too wide for the blue node in this situation. The picture on the right shows the effect of the connection box interface if, in addition, a positive tangential offset was specified for the bottom side and a negative offset was specified for the left side of the blue node.