
An annotation is a drawing made on the top of a map to describe or provide additional information about a specific zone of a map. Annotations are labeled and are projected with respect to the coordinate system of the map. Labels can be created to provide text information and are displayed using the JViews Maps labeling mechanism, (see Editing annotation labels). You can also add a description to an annotation that can be multiline, formatted using HTML tags, and displayed as a tooltip when the mouse is held over the annotation.
You can use map annotations to add, for example, specific points, borders, sections, divisions, limits, or areas of interest to your map, (see Creating annotations). There are several types of annotation that you can add:
  • Points
  • Polylines
  • Polygons
  • Links
Each time you create a point, polyline, polygon or link, it is added to the annotations layer in the Map Layers pane.
You can customize the annotations in a number of ways and can also carry out management operations on them. For example, you can change the line width, change the fill color, modify the label, and make the annotation visible or invisible. In the case of polylines and polygons, you can add or remove a point to or from the annotation and drag a point to another position to change the shape.
The following figure shows an example of annotations
Map displaying
point, line and polygon annotations
Adding Annotations to a Map
For more information about annotations, how to manage them, and how to set their properties, see Managing annotations.