CGXRange Class Members


 CGXRange Constructs a range object.

Attribute variables

 top Specifies the top row of the range.
 left Specifies the left column of the range.
 bottom Specifies the bottom row of the range.
 right Specifies the right column of the range.

Attribute methods

 SetCells Sets the range object to a range of cells and specifies the top, left, bottom and right values.
 SetRows Sets the range object to a range of rows and specifies the top and bottom row.
 SetCols Sets the range object to a range of columns and specifies the left and right column.
 SetTable Sets the range object to a range with all cells in the table.
 IsCells Determines if the range object is a range of cells.
 IsRows Determines if the range object is a range of rows.
 IsCols Determines if the range object is a range of columns.
 IsTable Determines if the range object is a range with all cells in the table.
 IsCellInRange Determines if the cell is part of the range.
 IsValid Determines whether the range is not empty.
 GetWidth Returns the number of columns in the range.
 GetHeight Returns the number of rows in the range.


 operator= Copy one range object to another.
 ExpandRange Expands the range to a given grid dimension if the range is a range of columns, rows, or the whole table.
 IntersectRange Intersects the range with another range passed to the method.
 UnionRange Unions the range with another range passed to the method.

Support for Iteration

 GetFirstCell Returns the top-left cell in the range.
 GetNextCell Call this method to iterate through the cells after you have called GetFirstCell.


Class Overview