The Java/C++ interoperability module provides a Java implementation of the Tools.h++ virtual streams in a set of com.roguewave packages.
Section 3.3.1 illustrates the hierarchical relationships among the classes in the Java packages that implement the Tools.h++ virtual streams.
Tools.h++ Professional includes five Java packages. Section through Section provide class hierarchies for each of these packages, including all the interfaces and exceptions.
In addition, Section 3.3.2 contains class diagrams showing the is-a, has-a, and uses-a relationships among the classes in the two most complex packages, and com.roguewave.vsj.
The class hierarchy for each package is separated into interface, class, and exception trees, in the same manner as the javadocs. Inheritance is indicated using indentation. For example:
Class1 Class2 Class3
In this hierarchy, Class2 and Class3 extend Class1.
Package contains collection classes to store and retrieve objects, and utility classes including a regular expression class, RegExp.
BinaryFunction Collection Sequence Comparator java.util.Enumeration BidirectionalEnumeration UnaryFunction
CollectionBase (implements Collection, Serializable) BTree (implements Cloneable) Bag (implements Cloneable) BinaryTree (implements Cloneable) Dlist (implements Cloneable, Sequence) Slist (implements Cloneable, Sequence) Queue java.util.Dictionary BTreeDictionary (implements Cloneable, Serializable) java.util.Hashtable (implements Cloneable, Serializable) HashDictionary (implements Cloneable, Serializable) IdentityDictionary NumericCompare (implements Comparator, Serializable) RegExp (implements Cloneable, Serializable) Set (implements Cloneable, Collection, Serializable) IdentitySet StringCompare (implements Comparator, Serializable)
java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception java.lang.RuntimeException BadRegularExpressionException EmptyQueueException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException DlistIndexOutOfBoundsException SlistIndexOutOfBoundsException
Package com.roguewave.vsj provides a framework for exchanging objects between programs written in Java and programs written in C++.
DefineCollectable DefinePersistable ObjectStreamer RestoreContext SaveContext VirtualInputStream VirtualOutputStream
CollectableStreamer (implements ObjectStreamer) PersistableStreamer (implements ObjectStreamer) PortableInputStream (implementsVirtualInputStream) PortableOutputStream (implements VirtualOutputStream) ReadTable (implements RestoreContext) StoreTable (implements SaveContext)
java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception InputRangeException OutputRangeException
Java/C++ mappings in the Java implementation of Tools.h++ Virtual Streams are defined by small helper objects called streamers. In the package com.roguewave.vsj.streamers, Rogue Wave provides prebuilt streamers that map Tools.h++ classes to classes in the Java core packages.
BasicMappings CollectableCompare (implements Comparator) CollectableMappings DefineCollectableCollection (implements DefineCollectable) DefinePersistableTemplColl (implements DefinePersistable) SimpleMappings TemplateMappings
Package com.roguewave.format contains classes for output format specification.
NumericFormat (implements Cloneable) NumericPicture QuickFormat TextAlignment TextPicture
Package com.roguewave.common contains the Formattable interface. This interface must be implemented by any class formatted with the com.roguewave.format package.
ConstantStrings Formattable
ConstantStringsHelper (implements ConstantStrings)
This section contains class diagrams showing the is-a, has-a, and uses-a relationships among the classes in and com.roguewave.vsj. Figure 14 shows the class relationships for, and Figure 15 shows the class relationships for com.roguewave.vsj.
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