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3.4 The Networking Module

The Tools.h++ Professional networking module provides C++ class libraries for distributed computing. It includes:

Section 3.4.1 describes the hierarchy relationships among the classes in the net library, while Section 3.4.2 describes the relationships among the classes in the int library.

3.4.1 Hierarchies and Class Relationships in the net Library

This section illustrates the hierarchy relationships among the classes in the net library. Figure 16 shows the overall architecture. Figure 17 through Figure 20 show hierarchical and other class relationships for the classes in each layer of the architecture. Section 1.2, "Conventions," describes the symbols used in the illustration.

Figure 16 -- Layered architecture in the net library

Figure 17 -- I/O services in the net library

Figure 18 -- Portal classes

Figure 19 -- Wrapper classes

Figure 20 -- Data-handling and error-handling classes

3.4.2 Hierarchies and Class Relationships in the int Library

This section illustrates the hierarchy relationships among the classes in the int library.

Figure 21 -- RWIFtpAgent and its related classes

Figure 22 -- RWIFtpClient and its related class

Figure 23 -- Protocol reply classes

Figure 24 -- FTP protocol replies

Figure 25 -- POP3 protocol replies

Figure 26 -- HTTP reply class

Figure 27 -- HTTP protocol headers

Figure 28 -- HTTP protocol methods

Figure 29 -- HTTP protocol versions

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