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public interface Sequence
extends Collection
This interface is implemented by collections which are said to be sequenceable. That is, the order of elements within the collection can be determined externally by the client of the collection and elements can be accessed by index.

Method Index

 o append(Object)
Adds an item to the end of the collection
 o at(int)
Returns an element from a particular location within the collection
 o atPut(int, Object)
Replaces an element at a particular location within the collection
 o containsReference(Object)
Returns true if the collection contains an element identical to the given item.
 o first()
Returns the first element of the collection
 o index(Object)
Returns the location of the first element equivalent to a given item or -1 if not found.
 o indexReference(Object)
Returns the location of the first element identical to the given item or -1 if not found.
 o insertAt(int, Object)
Inserts an item at a particular location within the collection
 o last()
Returns the last element of the collection
 o occurrencesOfReference(Object)
Returns the number of elements in the collection identical to the given item.
 o prepend(Object)
Adds an item to the front of the collection
 o removeAllReference(Object)
Removes from the collection all elements that are identical to the given item.
 o removeAt(int)
Removes an element from a particular location within the collection
 o removeFirst()
Removes the first element of the collection
 o removeLast()
Removes the last element of the collection
 o removeReference(Object)
Removes from the collection the first element that is identical to the given item.
 o transform(UnaryFunction)
Replaces each member of the collection with the result of applying the unary function to that memeber.


 o append
 public abstract Object append(Object item)
Adds an item to the end of the collection

 o at
 public abstract Object at(int i) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Returns an element from a particular location within the collection

 o atPut
 public abstract Object atPut(int i,
                              Object obj) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Replaces an element at a particular location within the collection

 o first
 public abstract Object first() throws NoSuchElementException
Returns the first element of the collection

 o containsReference
 public abstract boolean containsReference(Object item)
Returns true if the collection contains an element identical to the given item.

 o index
 public abstract int index(Object item)
Returns the location of the first element equivalent to a given item or -1 if not found.

 o indexReference
 public abstract int indexReference(Object item)
Returns the location of the first element identical to the given item or -1 if not found.

 o insertAt
 public abstract Object insertAt(int i,
                                 Object item) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Inserts an item at a particular location within the collection

 o last
 public abstract Object last() throws NoSuchElementException
Returns the last element of the collection

 o occurrencesOfReference
 public abstract int occurrencesOfReference(Object item)
Returns the number of elements in the collection identical to the given item.

 o prepend
 public abstract Object prepend(Object item)
Adds an item to the front of the collection

 o removeAt
 public abstract Object removeAt(int i) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Removes an element from a particular location within the collection

 o removeFirst
 public abstract Object removeFirst() throws NoSuchElementException
Removes the first element of the collection

 o removeLast
 public abstract Object removeLast() throws NoSuchElementException
Removes the last element of the collection

 o removeReference
 public abstract Object removeReference(Object item)
Removes from the collection the first element that is identical to the given item.

 o removeAllReference
 public abstract int removeAllReference(Object item)
Removes from the collection all elements that are identical to the given item.

 o transform
 public abstract void transform(UnaryFunction fun)
Replaces each member of the collection with the result of applying the unary function to that memeber.

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