VDA Utilities Routines

WoAddButtons, toolname, buttons

Adds a bank of buttons to a button bar.

WoAddMessage, toolname, message_key

Adds a message to a message area created by WoMessage.

WoAddStatus, toolname, status_key

Display a message in the status bar of a VDA Tool.


Returns the full path name for a specified resource file.

WoButtonBar(parent, toolname, [buttons])

Creates predefined, two-row button bar that can be included in a VDA Tool.

WoButtonBarSet, toolname, descriptor, setting

Changes the setting of a button in a button bar.

WoButtonBarSetSensitivity, toolname, descriptor, sensitivity

Sets the sensitivity of one or more buttons on a button bar.


Confirms if a file is readable or writable.


Creates a button that brings up a color table dialog box used to set colors in a VDA Tool. The button has an associated color pixmap that reflects the currently selected color.


Gets the currently selected color index from a color button created by WoColorButton.

WoColorButtonSetValue(wid, color)

Sets the current color index for a color button created by WoColorButton, and updates the color button’s color pixmap.


Convert from a long RGB value to an index into the current color table, or from an index in the current color table to an RGB value.


Creates a grid of color squares from the current color table.

WoColorGridGetValue(wid, index, num_values)

Gets the color indices for a range of colors in a color grid.

WoColorGridSetValue, wid, index, color

Sets the color indices for a range of colors in the color grid.

WoColorWheel(tool_name, color_index, value_changed_cb)

Creates a color wheel that can be used to modify a single color in the current color table.

WoConfirmClose, wid, tool_name

Displays a dialog box requiring the user to confirm a window close action.

WoDialogStatus, toolname, status

Saves or restores the status of a dialog box by saving or restoring the state of its widgets as stored in the Tools Manager.

WoFontOptionMenu(parent, toolname)

Creates an option menu with the standard list of software (vector-drawn) fonts found in PV‑WAVE.


Gets the software font command for the currently selected font.

WoFontOptionMenuSetValue, wid, font

Sets the current font and updates the font option menu.

WoGenericDialog(parent, topLayout [,callback])

Creates a generic dialog box for use in VDA Tools.


Gets the unique name of a VDA tool given the unique window title of the VDA Tool.

WoGetUniqueWindowTitle(primary, secondary)

Given a window title, adds a numeric suffix to make the title unique.

WoLabeledText(parent, label_names, verify_callback)

Creates a group of aligned text widgets (widgets with a label and a text field).

WoLinestyleOptionMenu(parent, toolname)

Creates an option menu for selecting linestyles.


Gets the currently selected linestyle.

WoLineStyleOptionMenuSetValue, wid, linestyle

Sets the option menu to a specified linestyle.

WoLoadResources, file

Loads resources and strings from a file for VDA tools.

WoLoadStrings, file

Loads strings from a resource file for use by the VDA tools.

WoMenuBar(parent, toolname [,menus])

Create a menu bar for a VDA Tool.

WoMenuBarSetSensitivity, toolname, pane_index, item_index, sensitivity

Sets the sensitivity of one or more items in a menu.

WoMenuBarSetToggle, tool_name, pane_index, item_index, value

Sets the status of a menu toggle button.

WoMessage(parent, toolname)

Creates a message area for a VDA Tool

WoSaveAsPixmap, tool_name, varname

Saves graphics from a specified VDA Tool as a pixmap.

WoSetCursor, tool_name

Changes the cursor for a VDA Tool.

WoSetToolIcon, tool_name, icon

Assigns a pixmap to be the icon for a VDA Tool.

WoSetWindowTitle, tool_name, window_title

Specifies a unique title for a VDA Tool window.

WoStatus(parent, toolname)

Create a status bar for a VDA Tool.

WoVariableOptionMenu(parent, toolname)

Creates an option menu containing the names of all of the variables associated with the current tool.


Gets the currently selected variable name from an option menu that was created with the WoVariableOptionMenu function.

WoVariableOptionMenuSetValue, wid, value

Sets the current selection in the variable option menu.