WoMessage Function

Creates a message area for a VDA Tool


widget = WoMessage(parent, toolname)

Input Parameters

parent — Specifies the parent widget ID of the message area (long).

toolname — (string) Specifies the unique name of the VDA Tool to which the message area is attached.

Returned Value

widget — The ID of the message area widget.


Frame — If present and nonzero, a frame widget is placed around the message area.

Rows — Specifies the number of lines in the message area.

Attachment Keywords

Bottom — If a widget ID is specified (for example, Bottom=wid), then the bottom of the message area is attached to the top of the specified widget. If no widget ID is specified (for example, /Bottom), then the bottom of the message area is attached to the bottom of the parent widget.

Left — If a widget ID is specified (for example, Left=wid), then the left side of the message area is attached to the right side of the specified widget. If no widget ID is specified (for example, /Left), then the left side of the message area is attached to the left side of the parent widget.

Right — If a widget ID is specified (for example, Right=wid), then the right side of the message area is attached to the left side of the specified widget. If no widget ID is specified (for example, /Right), then the right side of the message area is attached to the right side of the parent widget.

Top — If a widget ID is specified (for example, Top=wid), then the top of the message area is attached to the bottom of the specified widget. If no widget ID is specified (for example, /Top), then the top of the message area is attached to the top of the parent widget.


The following examples show three ways in which WoAddMessage can be used in a VDA Tool. Messages are defined in a resource file, and WoMessage is used to create the message area in the VDA Tool.

This is part of a resource file defined for a VDA Tool.

MyTool_intro: Welcome to my tool...
MyTool_SelectButton_1: Press MB1 to begin selection
MyTool_SelectButton_2: Press MB2 to end selection
MyTool_FileRead: Reading file: 
; Create a 6 line message area.
ms = WoMessage(layout, tool_name, Rows=6, /Frame, /Left, $
   /Right, /Bottom)

Example 1

Introductory messages are added to the VDA Tool.

WoAddMessage, tool_name, 'MyTool_intro', /Clear
WoAddMessage, tool_name, 'WzGlobal_intro'

Example 2

WoAddMessage can display multiple messages with a single call.

WoAddMessage, tool_name, 'MyTool_SelectButton', /Clear

Example 3

Messages can be tailored with dynamic information and then displayed.

msg = TmGetMessage('mytool.ads', 'MyTool_FileRead')
msg = msg + ' ' + file_name
WoAddMessage, tool_name, Message=msg

See Also
