WoSaveAsPixmap Procedure

Saves graphics from a specified VDA Tool as a pixmap.


WoSaveAsPixmap, tool_name, varname

Input Parameters

tool_name — The unique name of the VDA Tool from which to read the graphics as a pixmap.

varname — The name of the variable in which to save the pixmap.


Add — If nonzero, the pixmap is added to the specified variable. This keyword is used to build a sequence of pixmaps that can be animated.


The Add keyword is used to build a sequence of pixmaps to animate. The variable created when Add is used is 3D. The first two dimensions contain the pixmap data, and the third dimension represents the number of pixmaps in the variable. For example, if the dimension of the variable is 512-by-512-by-30, the variable, when viewed in the WzAnimate Tool, would produce a loop or cycle consisting of 30 frames.


; Create a surface plot.
WzSurface, DIST(30)
; Save a pixmap of the surface in a variable called "Surf".
; Now, rotate the Surface in the WzSurface Tool.
WoSaveAsPixmap, 'WzSurface_0', 'Surf'
; Add the rotated surface the pixmap variable "Surf".
WoSaveAsPixmap, 'WzSurface_0', 'Surf', /Add
; Run the WzAnimate Tool and animate the pixmaps.
WzAnimate, surf