WoMenuBarSetSensitivity Procedure

Sets the sensitivity of one or more items in a menu.


WoMenuBarSetSensitivity, toolname, pane_index, item_index, sensitivity 

Input Parameters

toolname — (string) Specifies the unique name of the VDA Tool to which the menu bar is attached.

pane_index — Specifies the index for a specific menu pane in the array of menu panes. The first menu is 1; the second, 2; and so on.


A submenu’s index number is the number following its parent menu index.

item_index — Specifies the index of the menu item to change in the specified menu pane. The first item is 1; the second, 2; and so on.


Separators are counted as items in the menu, and must be included in the item_index specification.

sensitivity — Specifies a scalar or array with the sensitivity of the menu item or items. A value of 0 makes the item insensitive; 1 makes the item sensitive.




If the sensitivity parameter is a scalar, then all menu items are set to the value of sensitivity. If the sensitivity parameter is an array, each menu item is set to its corresponding element in sensitivity. In other words, the sensitivity of the first item is set to the first value in the array, the second item to the second value, and so on. If sensitivity is an array with fewer elements than menu items, the extra items are set to 1 (sensitive).


For an example using WoMenuBarSetSensitivity, see WoMenuBar Function.

See Also
