WoGetToolNameFromTitle Function

Gets the unique name of a VDA tool given the unique window title of the VDA Tool.


tool_name = WoGetToolNameFromTitle(window_title)

Input Parameters

window_title — A string specifying a unique window title of a VDA Tool.




The following code allows selection of tools from a list of tool titles.

; Main procedure: 
; Get the names of all tools and their titles.
tools = TmEnumerateToolNames(Titles=titles)
; Sort the titles alphabetically.
titles = titles(SORT(titles))
; Create a list containing the titles.
title_list = WwList(layout, titles, /Multi, $
   /Top, /Bottom, /Right, /Left, Name='titleList')
; Callback procedure: 
; Get the titles of selected tools.
titles = WwGetValue(title_list)
; Get the tool names from the titles.
tool_names = WoGetToolNameFromTitle(titles)

See Also

WoGetUniqueWindowTitle, WoSetWindowTitle