Configuring the license server

You can configure various license server options including log levels, password options, the database type, and authentication options.

Options Use to: Additional information
Log Select the type of information to add to the server log. Setting server log options
Email Configure email sending from the license server. Setting email options
Server Set server communication options, such as enabling encryption, changing the server port, and setting the communications password, and enable renaming of usernames and external authentication. Setting server options
Server Database Configure the license server database location, change or convert the server database, and specify how often to validate RDBMS connections. Configuring the server database
Authentication Enable authentication methods and specify when to lock out users after failed logins. Configuring OpenID Connect and SAML providers
Authentication—Active Directory/LDAP Add Active Directory and LDAP servers. Adding LDAP servers and Adding Active Directory servers
Authentication—OpenID Connect/SAML Add OpenID Connect and SAML providers. Adding OpenID Connect and SAML providers
Authentication—Passwords Specify password requirements and restrictions. Setting password options