Configuring OpenID Connect and SAML providers

To allow users to authenticate with Helix ALM products using your organization's identity provider, you need to add an OpenID Connect or SAML provider. The provider information tells the license server how to connect to the Helix Authentication Service, which handles authentication between the identity provider and license server. The provider information also contains the provider user fields to map to license server user fields.

1. Click Server Options.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

2. Select OpenID Connect/SAML from the Authentication category.

3. Click Add to add a provider. See Adding OpenID Connect and SAML providers.

4. To change information for a provider, select it and click Edit. See Editing OpenID Connect and SAML providers.

5. To inactivate a provider, select it and click Inactivate. See Inactivating OpenID Connect and SAML providers.

6. To delete a provider, select it and click Delete. See Deleting OpenID Connect and SAML providers.

7. If HTTPS is configured for the Helix Authentication Service, enter the location of the Client certificate file and Client private key file on the computer that hosts the license server.

Using HTTPS requires creating signed certificates and storing them on the computer that hosts the authentication service and the computer that hosts the license server. Contact your security administrator for help.

8. To reorder the list of providers, select a provider and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom.

9. Click OK to save the changes.