Setting password options

You can set options to enforce your company’s password requirements and provide greater security. These password options only apply to users stored on the Helix ALM License Server and do not apply to users who authenticate via Active Directory, LDAP, OpenID Connect, SAML, or external authentication.

1. Click Server Options.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

2. Select Passwords from the Authentication category.

3. Enter any Password Requirements to require a minimum password length or minimum number of specific character types. This can help you set strict password requirements that make it more difficult for unauthorized users to crack.

4. Select any Password Restrictions.

  • Cannot be the same as username restricts users from using their username as their password.
  • Cannot contain the username, first name, or last name restricts users from using their username, first name, or last name as their password.
  • Expires in specifies how often passwords expire. Requiring users to change passwords periodically enhances security and may also be required by compliance programs, such as 21 CFR Part 11.

5. Select User cannot reuse password for # days to prevent users from using reusing old passwords for the specified number of days. Preventing users from reusing passwords minimizes the risk of unauthorized users finding and using passwords.

6. Click OK to save the changes.