Setting server log options

The license server creates log files that record events, such as severe errors or unusual activity. The log files can help you monitor the server’s operation and troubleshoot any issues. See Viewing the server log and Troubleshooting.

1. Click Server Options.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

2. Select the Log category.

3. Select any log options.

  • Write to server log specifies the types of events to write to the log. See Server log levels.
  • Write to NT event log or Write to Unix system log specifies the types of events to write to the event or system log. This option is named based on the operating system the license server is running on.
  • Write all log messages to LSStartup.log writes all messages to the log file. Select this option if you are experiencing server problems and want to log messages that occur after startup. Startup errors are always logged to this file even if this option is not selected. The LSStartup.log file is stored in the Helix ALM License Server application directory on Windows and in /var/log on Linux. You can email the log file to Perforce support for help resolving problems.
  • Log warning if license server is not started as a service writes a warning to the log file if the license server is started as an application. Most companies run the license server as a service. If it runs as an application, the license server is shut down by the operating system when a user logs out of the server computer, which can negatively affect other users. Only available on Windows.
  • Log license usage tracks when licenses are used. You can use this information to determine the appropriate time to perform system maintenance and to see if additional licenses are needed. You can also clear the data as needed. See Clearing the license usage log.

Note:  The license server only provides usage reports for Helix ALM licenses, Surround SCM 2009 and later floating licenses, Surround SCM 2010 and later named licenses, and TestTrack 2009 and later licenses.

  • Log warning when email SSL certificates are invalid adds a warning to the server log if certificates used to verify the email server connection are invalid. The warning is logged once every 24 hours when email is sent from the license server and the certificates are invalid. A warning is always logged when testing the email connection in the admin utility.

4. Click OK to save the changes.