Viewing the server log

Use the server log to review server activity and troubleshoot any issues. See Troubleshooting.

1. Click Server Log.

The View Server Log dialog box opens.

2. Select a Log Filter to filter the log entries.

  • Severe Error includes errors that cause incorrect functionality that the user is not notified about.
  • Error includes errors handled and reported to the user.
  • Warning includes messages about potential problems.
  • Unusual Activity includes unusual activity by a user or unusual situations in the database.
  • Information includes any activity that may be of interest to the administrator.

3. You can filter the log list even more by choosing one of the following options:

  • and Less Severe includes the filtered log entries plus less severe entries.
  • and More Severe includes the filtered log entries plus more severe entries.
  • Only limits the filter to the filtered log entries.

Note:  The read-only logged entries field displays how many entries match the restrictions you chose.

4. Select the entry to view.

The details are displayed in the Selected Log Entry area.