Folders list - Folders tree

The Folders tree displays the hierarchy of folders in a project. The tree includes read-only Public and Private folders that store all other folders. Public folders can be accessed by other users depending on permissions and private folders cannot.

Note:  Actions you can perform on folders depend on access given in security groups you are in and permissions for specific folders. If you cannot work with a folder, the folder icon is gray. If a folder is locked, a lock icon is displayed on the folder and you cannot perform any actions on it. Items you can view and edit in folders depend on access given in security groups and the item workflow. See Managing access to folders.

To: Do this:
View folder contents Click a folder.
Search for a folder Enter the text to search for. Matching folders are highlighted as you type.
Expand all folders in the tree Click .
Collapse all folders in the tree Click .
Add a new subfolder to a folder Mouse over or click the folder to add a subfolder to and click the Add button. See Adding folders.
Pin a folder and only show it and its subfolders in the tree Mouse over or click the folder and click Pin Button. To show all folders, click the Unpin button.
Change the folder name Mouse over or click the folder, click the gear icon, and choose Edit. Enter the new name and click the Accept button or press Enter.
Change the folder type Mouse over or click the folder, click the gear icon, and choose Edit. Click the folder icon and choose the new type. You can also search for a type. Click the Accept button or press Enter.
Edit the folder details Mouse over or click the folder, click the gear icon, and choose Edit Details. See Editing folder details.
Move a folder to a different location in the hierarchy Drag it to the destination folder. Test case suite folders can only contain other test case suites. Manual test run suite folders can only contain other manual test run suites.
- or -
Mouse over or click the folder to move, click the gear icon, and choose a Move option. See Moving folders.
Duplicate the structure of a folder Mouse over or click it, click the gear icon, and choose Duplicate. See Duplicating a folder structure.
Lock a folder Mouse over or click it, click the gear icon, and choose Lock. To unlock a locked folder, click the gear icon and choose Unlock. See Locking and unlocking folders.
Delete a folder Mouse over or click it, click the gear icon, and choose Delete. See Deleting folders