Managing projects

Helix ALM projects contain all the information your team tracks, including issues, test cases, test runs, requirements, requirement documents, security groups, users, customers, filters, test configurations, and workbook tasks. Projects are created on the Helix ALM Server and managed using the Helix ALM Server Admin Utility. See Creating projects.

The Projects dialog box displays the Helix ALM native and RDBMS projects on the server. From this dialog box, you can create new projects or add, edit, remove, activate, and inactivate existing projects. You can also upgrade projects to the current version, convert Helix ALM native projects to RDBMS projects, and change RDBMS projects to use different databases.

Note:  Back up projects frequently. Hard drive crashes or user error can result in the loss of important data. It is important to perform routine backups. See Backing up Helix ALM databases.