Creating native projects

Helix ALM projects are stored in databases. Helix ALM uses SQLite as the native database type by default. All native project files, including the SQLite database file, are stored in a directory on the local hard drive of the Helix ALM Server computer or a mapped network drive. Only one project is stored in each project database.

1. Click Projects. You can also choose View > Projects.

The Projects dialog box opens.

2. Click Create.

The Create Project dialog box opens.

3. Enter a Project name. The name is displayed when users log in to Helix ALM.

4. Select Helix ALM Native from the Project type list.

5. Enter the Project directory.

A project directory with this name is created in the TTServDb/TTDbs directory in the Helix ALM application directory by default. This directory contains subdirectories for attachments and report stylesheets. The Helix ALM Server may be configured to use a different default path, which is displayed in the Location area. You may be able to enter a full path depending on the server settings. The path cannot exceed 247 characters, including the drive specifier (e.g., C:\) and names of subdirectories that Helix ALM creates in the specified directory.

Note:  The default directory path for projects and the ability to enter fully qualified pathnames is controlled using the Helix ALM Registry Utility. See the Registry Utility help for information.

6. Select the Project Settings.

  • Project is active creates an active project. Users cannot access inactive projects.
  • Include project in Web login list includes the project in the list for Helix ALM Web users.
  • Include project in Client login list includes the project in the list for Helix ALM Client users.
  • Always compact the project when the Helix ALM Server is started compacts the project every time the server starts. Compacting runs the SQLite VACUUM command, which repacks the database file to reduce fragmentation in the database and reduces the file size. Compacting may increase initialization time.
  • Compact the project the next time the Helix ALM Server is started compacts the project only the next time the server starts.

7. Enter any project Notes. For example, you can explain what the project is used for or why it was created.

8. Click OK.

The project is created.

Note:  You are the only user added to the new project. You must add other users to security groups in the project from the Helix ALM Client before they can access it. See the Helix ALM help for information.