Adding existing RDBMS projects

If you removed an RDBMS project but did not delete the records from the RDBMS database, you can re-add it to the Helix ALM Server.

When you add an existing project, you must specify a directory to store attachments and report stylesheets in. These files are stored on the server and not in the database.

Note:  If the project directory has not been created, you must manually create it before adding the project.

1. Click Projects. You can also choose View > Projects.

The Projects dialog box opens.

2. Click Add Existing.

The Add Existing Project dialog box opens.

3. Select RDBMS from the Project type list.

4. Select the Connection for the RDBMS database to add the project to.

The list includes RDBMS connections configured for the Helix ALM Server. See Adding RDBMS connections if you need to add a connection.

5. Select the project to add from the Database project name list.

Optionally select Show projects that are currently in use by other servers to add a project from a server that is experiencing problems. You should only select a project that another server is using if the server computer is experiencing problems and you need to move the project to another server.

Note:  The Project name field is automatically populated with the name stored in the database for the selected project. You can change the project name to display a different one when users log in to Helix ALM.

6. Enter the name of the Project directory to add the project files to or click Project List to use an existing project directory.

Project directories are stored in the TTServDb/TTDbs directory in the Helix ALM application directory by default. The project directory contains subdirectories for attachments and report stylesheets. You may be able to enter a full path depending on the server settings.

Note:  The path cannot exceed 247 characters, including the drive specifier (e.g., C:\) and names of subdirectories that Helix ALM creates in the specified directory.

7. Select the Project Settings.

  • Project is active creates an active project. Users cannot access inactive projects.
  • Include project in Web login list includes the project in the list for Helix ALM Web users.
  • Include project in Client login list includes the project in the list for Helix ALM Client users.

8. Enter any project Notes. For example, you can explain what the project is used for or why it was added.

9. Click OK.

The project is re-added to the server and displayed in the projects list.