Configuring server options

Helix ALM’s client/server design centralizes email, logging, and other options and shares them across all Helix ALM projects. You can configure the following server options.

Options Use to: More information
Logging Select the type of information to add to the server log and set options to send email when events occur. Setting log options
Email sending Specify email server connection information to allow users to send email from Helix ALM. Setting email sending options
Email tracking Enable email tracking to save emails sent about specific Helix ALM items with the items and configure an email account for it. Setting email tracking options
Server Change the server port used to communication with Helix ALM clients and set the local admin password. Setting server options
Server database Change the Helix ALM Server database location or convert the database to a different type. Configuring the server database location and type
RDBMS connections Create and modify connections to RDBMS databases to host the Helix ALM Server database and projects instead of using the native SQLite database format. Adding RDBMS connections
Client settings Select options based on the different Helix ALM client types, such as the time to wait before disconnecting inactive clients from the server and automatic upgrades. Setting client settings
Security Enable encryption for communication between Helix ALM clients and the server, manage RSA key exchange, and choose how to enforce security over backward compatibility. Setting security options
License server Configure Helix ALM License Server connection information, the communication password, and global user cache refresh rate. Setting license server options
Auto update check Select options to automatically check for Helix ALM upgrades. Setting software update check options