Setting client settings

You can specify limits to automatically log out users and disconnect inactive Helix ALM clients from the server to release floating licenses for other users. You can also enable automatic client upgrades.

1. Click Server Options. You can also choose View > Server Options.

The Options dialog box opens.

2. Select the Client Settings category.

3. Select any Native Client Settings.

  • Select Log out floating license users if inactive in the native client to automatically log out floating license users from the Helix ALM Client if they do not interact with it for the specified number of minutes. A warning dialog box is displayed if users do not use the mouse or keyboard before the inactivity limit is reached. Users have 60 seconds to choose to stay logged in before all windows and dialog boxes are closed and any unsaved changes are lost. If selected, the default value is 90 minutes and the valid range is 5-1440 minutes.

Note:  Users are not logged out if Helix ALM is performing an action that displays a status or progress dialog box, such as duplicating items or importing an XML file. The inactivity timer continues when the action is complete.

  • Enter the number of minutes to Keep native client user server session active. The Helix ALM Client periodically pings the Helix ALM Server. If the client cannot communicate with the server within the specified number of minutes, the user session is terminated. The client and server cannot communicate if the network connection is lost or if the client is closed. The default value is 240 minutes and the valid range is 5-1440 minutes.
  • Select Automatically upgrade Helix ALM Clients to the current Helix ALM Server version to enable automatic upgrades of all Helix ALM clients connecting to the Helix ALM Server. Enabling automatic upgrades ensures that all users are using the correct version.

4. Select any Web Client Settings.

  • Select Log out floating license users if inactive in the web client to log out floating license users from Helix ALM Web if they do not interact with it for the specified number of minutes. A warning dialog box is displayed if users do not use the mouse or keyboard in the browser before the inactivity limit is reached. Users have 60 seconds to choose to stay logged in before all pages and dialog boxes are closed and any unsaved changes are lost. If selected, the default value is 90 minutes and the valid range of minutes is 5-1440.

Note:  Users are not logged out if Helix ALM is performing an action that displays a status or progress dialog box, such as duplicating items. The inactivity timer continues when the action is complete.

  • Enter the number of minutes to Keep web client user server session active. Helix ALM Web periodically pings the Helix ALM Server and is considered responsive as long as the browser is open and Helix ALM Web can communicate with the server. If Helix ALM Web is no longer responsive, the user is logged out. The default value is 15 minutes and the valid range is 5-1440 minutes.

Note:  Keep in mind that closing the browser without logging out first may not close the session and release the license. Setting the unresponsiveness limit ensures that licenses are eventually released.

5. Enter the number of minutes of inactivity to wait to automatically Log out SOAP users.

SOAP users are logged out of if they do not submit a request to the Helix ALM Server within the specified number of minutes. If the SOAP application does not call the Logout() method, the session remains active and the license is not released. Setting the inactivity limit ensures that licenses are eventually released. The default value is 10 minutes and the valid range is 5-1440 minutes.

Note:  SOAP users are not prompted if the period of inactivity is reached and they are logged out.

6. Click OK to save the changes.