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IlvSCManagerRectangle Class Reference

View rectangle class. More...

#include <ilviews/gadmgr/rectscmg.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvSCManagerRectangle:
IlvManagerRectangle IlvViewRectangle IlvFilledRectangle IlvRectangle IlvSimpleGraphic IlvGraphic IlvValueInterface

Public Member Functions

 IlvSCManagerRectangle (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void computeContentsBBox (IlvRect &bbox) const
 Computes the bounding box of the manager contents. More...
IlvScrollBar * getHorizontalScrollBar () const
 Retrieves the horizontal scroll bar. More...
IlvScrollBar * getVerticalScrollBar () const
 Retrieves the vertical scroll bar. More...
void hideScrollBar (IlvOrientation which)
 Hides a scroll bar. More...
void moveScrollBar (IlvOrientation which, IlvPosition where)
 Moves a scroll bar. More...
virtual void setManager (IlvManager *mgr, IlBoolean owner=IlTrue)
 Sets the manager. More...
void showScrollBar (IlvOrientation which)
 Shows a scroll bar. More...
IlvPosition whereIsScrollBar (IlvOrientation which) const
 Returns the location of the specified scroll bar. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvManagerRectangle
 IlvManagerRectangle (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
const char * getFilename () const
 Returns the file name associated with the manager. More...
IlvManagergetManager () const
 Returns the manager used by the object. More...
IlBoolean isOwner () const
 Indicates whether the manager is owned by the manager rectangle. More...
void setFilename (const char *name, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse)
 Reads a file and associates the file name to the manager. More...

Detailed Description

View rectangle class.

Library: ilvgadmgr

The IlvSCManagerRectangle class is a version of IlvManagerRectangle that can scroll. The user can choose whether the scroll bars are visible or not.

The default interactor name for this object is "SCManager".

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IlvSCManagerRectangle()

IlvSCManagerRectangle::IlvSCManagerRectangle ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
IlvPalette palette = 0 


Initializes a new instance of the IlvMSCanagerRectangle class.

displaySpecifies the display.
rectSpecifies the size of the object.
paletteThe background color of the palette is used as the window background color for the object view.

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeContentsBBox()

virtual void IlvSCManagerRectangle::computeContentsBBox ( IlvRect bbox) const

Computes the bounding box of the manager contents.

This member function is called whenever the bounding box of the contents of this IlvSCManagerRectangle is modified. It occurs when the transformer of the manager view is changed, or when objects are added or removed from the manager.
This function is called by the internal manager view hook to compute the correct values to assign to the scroll bars so that they match the manager contents.

bboxRectangle used to store the returned value.

◆ getHorizontalScrollBar()

IlvScrollBar* IlvSCManagerRectangle::getHorizontalScrollBar ( ) const

Retrieves the horizontal scroll bar.

A pointer to the horizontal scroll bar used by this object, or 0 if there is no horizontal scroll bar.

◆ getVerticalScrollBar()

IlvScrollBar* IlvSCManagerRectangle::getVerticalScrollBar ( ) const

Retrieves the vertical scroll bar.

A pointer to the vertical scroll bar used by this object, or 0 if there is no vertical scroll bar.

◆ hideScrollBar()

void IlvSCManagerRectangle::hideScrollBar ( IlvOrientation  which)

Hides a scroll bar.

whichIndicates which scroll bar should be hidden. This parameter can be either IlvHorizontal or IlvVertical.
See also

◆ moveScrollBar()

void IlvSCManagerRectangle::moveScrollBar ( IlvOrientation  which,
IlvPosition  where 

Moves a scroll bar.

This member function lets you move the vertical scroll bar to the left or to the right of the object, or move the vertical scroll bar to the top or to the bottom of the graphic object.

The default is to have the vertical scroll bar on the left of the object, and the horizontal scroll bar located at the bottom of the object (except on the Bidi version of Rogue Wave Views, where the location of the vertical scroll bar depends on the layoutDirection of this object).

whichIndicates which scroll bar should be moved. This parameter can be either IlvHorizontal or IlvVertical.
whereThe new location of the indicated scroll bar. If which is IlvVertical, valid values are IlvLeft and IlvRight. If which is IlvHorizontal, valid values are IlvTop and IlvBottom.

◆ setManager()

virtual void IlvSCManagerRectangle::setManager ( IlvManager manager,
IlBoolean  owner = IlTrue 

Sets the manager.

Sets the manager that manages the view stored by the object.

managerThe manager to set.
ownerIf IlTrue, the manager is considered to be owned by the object and will be automatically deleted when the object is destroyed. If IlFalse, destroying the manager will be the responsibility of the user.

Reimplemented from IlvManagerRectangle.

◆ showScrollBar()

void IlvSCManagerRectangle::showScrollBar ( IlvOrientation  which)

Shows a scroll bar.

whichIndicates which scroll bar should be displayed. This parameter can be either IlvHorizontal or IlvVertical.
See also

◆ whereIsScrollBar()

IlvPosition IlvSCManagerRectangle::whereIsScrollBar ( IlvOrientation  which) const

Returns the location of the specified scroll bar.

whichThe direction of the scroll bar. Valid values are: IlvHorizontal and IlvVertical.
The location of the scroll bar specified by direction.
See also