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IlvManagerRectangle Class Reference

View rectangle class. More...

#include <ilviews/manager/rectangl.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvManagerRectangle:
IlvViewRectangle IlvFilledRectangle IlvRectangle IlvSimpleGraphic IlvGraphic IlvValueInterface IlvSCManagerRectangle

Public Member Functions

 IlvManagerRectangle (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
const char * getFilename () const
 Returns the file name associated with the manager. More...
IlvManagergetManager () const
 Returns the manager used by the object. More...
IlBoolean isOwner () const
 Indicates whether the manager is owned by the manager rectangle. More...
void setFilename (const char *name, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse)
 Reads a file and associates the file name to the manager. More...
virtual void setManager (IlvManager *manager, IlBoolean owner=IlTrue)
 Sets the manager. More...

Detailed Description

View rectangle class.

Library: ilvmgr

The IlvManagerRectangle class allows you to integrate complex graphics into your applications. This special graphic object contains an instance of the class IlvView connected to a manager. The IlvManagerRectangle reserves a place in the panel to store this manager view. By default, an instance of IlvManager is created to manage the view. It can also be a manager created by the user. Also, a file name can be associated with this object.

See also
IlvManager, IlvView.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IlvManagerRectangle()

IlvManagerRectangle::IlvManagerRectangle ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
IlvPalette palette = 0 


Initializes a new instance of the IlvManagerRectangle class.

displaySpecifies the display.
rectSpecifies the size of the object.
paletteThe background color of the palette is used as the window background color for the object view.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getFilename()

const char* IlvManagerRectangle::getFilename ( ) const

Returns the file name associated with the manager.

The name of the file associated with the manager.

◆ getManager()

IlvManager* IlvManagerRectangle::getManager ( ) const

Returns the manager used by the object.

A pointer to the manager that manages the view stored by the object.

◆ isOwner()

IlBoolean IlvManagerRectangle::isOwner ( ) const

Indicates whether the manager is owned by the manager rectangle.

IlTrue if the manager used is owned by the object (that is, it is destroyed upon deletion of IlvManagerRectangle). If the manager is not owned, the function returns IlFalse.

◆ setFilename()

void IlvManagerRectangle::setFilename ( const char *  name,
IlBoolean  redraw = IlFalse 

Reads a file and associates the file name to the manager.

Sets the name of the file associated with the manager. This file is read during the function call.

nameThe file name.
redrawIf IlTrue, the manager will redraw itself after loading the file. Otherwise, no redraw is performed.

◆ setManager()

virtual void IlvManagerRectangle::setManager ( IlvManager manager,
IlBoolean  owner = IlTrue 

Sets the manager.

Sets the manager that manages the view stored by the object.

managerThe manager to set.
ownerIf IlTrue, the manager is considered to be owned by the object and will be automatically deleted when the object is destroyed. If IlFalse, destroying the manager will be the responsibility of the user.

Reimplemented in IlvSCManagerRectangle.