Views Charts Package API Reference Guide |
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▼CIlvAbstractProjector | Abstract base class for data projection |
CIlvCartesianProjector | Class for projection of data expressed in a Cartesian system of coordinates |
CIlvPolarProjector | Class for projection of data expressed in a polar system of coordinates |
▼CIlvAxisCrossing | Class describing the crossing value of an axis |
CIlvAxisAnchoredCrossing | Class describing a crossing of an axis at a fixed value |
CIlvMaxAxisCrossing | Class describing a crossing of an axis at the maximum value of that axis |
CIlvMinAxisCrossing | Class describing a crossing of an axis at the minimum value of that axis |
▼CIlvAxisElement | Class holding all components of a chart axis |
CIlvAbscissaAxisElement | Class holding all components of a chart abscissa axis |
CIlvChartDataListener | Abstract base class for chart data object listeners |
▼CIlvChartDataPointInfo | Base class for graphical decoration of data points |
▼CIlvChartDataGraphicInfo | Allows you to draw an IlvGraphic object next to a data point |
CIlvChartDataPointLabel | Allows you to annotate data points with labels displaying the values of the data points |
CIlvPieSliceInfo | Class allowing to add specific information to a slice |
CIlvChartGradientPointInfo | Sets the data point colors according to a gradient |
CIlvChartDataSetListener | Abstract base class for data set listeners |
CIlvChartDefaultColors | Repository of predefined colors |
CIlvChartDisplayerFactory | Factory to create displayers that compose a composite displayer |
▼CIlvChartDisplayerPoints | Utility class for displaying data points |
CIlvChartPointsFilter | Utility class for displaying data points |
▼CIlvChartDisplayerPointsFactory | Factory to create instances that manage data point projection |
CIlvChartPointsFilterFactory | Factory to create instances that manage data point projection |
CIlvChartsLicenseManager | Deprecated This class provides services to check whether the license for the Rogue Wave Views Charts add-on is available, or to register a license |
CIlvCoordinateInfoListener | Abstract base class for coordinate information listeners |
CIlvCoordInterval | Class representing a coordinate interval |
▼CIlvInteractor [external] | |
▼CIlvChartInteractor | Abstract base class for chart interactors |
CIlvChartCrossHairInteractor | Displays a crosshair that tracks the pointing device |
►CIlvChartDataInteractor | Abstract base class for chart data manipulation |
CIlvChartInteractorDispatcher | Handles event dispatching to a set of chart interactors |
CIlvChartPanInteractor | Associates scrolling with mouse movements |
CIlvChartScrollInteractor | Enables scrolling with arrow keys |
CIlvChartZoomInteractor | Implements interactive zooming of a chart |
▼CIlvPointInfoCollection | Abstract base class for managing point information objects |
CIlvPointInfoArray | Class for point information objects management |
CIlvPointInfoMap | Class for point information objects management |
CIlvPointInfoSingleton | Stores a unique IlvChartDataPointInfo instance |
▼CIlvValueInterface [external] | |
▼CIlvAbstractChartCursor | Abstract base class for chart cursors |
CIlvCircularChartCursor | Cursor subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts |
CIlvRadialChartCursor | Cursor subclass for the abscissa scale of polar charts |
CIlvRectangularChartCursor | Cursor subclass for Cartesian charts |
▼CIlvAbstractChartData | Abstract base class for managing all the data displayed within a chart |
CIlvMemoryChartData | Class storing the managed data sets in an array |
CIlvXMLChartData | A data set which is read from an XML document |
▼CIlvAbstractChartDisplayer | Abstract base class for data display |
►CIlvCompositeChartDisplayer | Base class for composite displayers |
►CIlvSingleChartDisplayer | Base class for single displayers |
▼CIlvAbstractGridDisplayer | Abstract base class for grid display |
►CIlvCircularGridDisplayer | Grid displayer subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts |
CIlvRadialGridDisplayer | Grid displayer subclass for the abscissa scale of polar charts |
CIlvRectangularGridDisplayer | Grid displayer subclass for Cartesian charts |
▼CIlvAbstractScaleDisplayer | Base class for scales |
►CIlvSingleScaleDisplayer | Base class for standard scales |
▼CIlvChartDataSet | Abstract base class for managing a set of data |
►CIlvAbstractChartFunction | Class for data sets described by a function |
►CIlvChartPointSet | Class for data sets described by a set of points with two coordinates |
CIlvChartYValueSet | Class for data sets described by a set of values |
►CIlvCombinedChartDataSet | Abstract base class for combined data sets |
CIlvChartLayout | Base class for chart layout computing |
CIlvCoordinateInfo | Base class for coordinate information storage |
▼CIlvCoordinateTransformer | Base class defining a transformation to be applied to a coordinate |
►CIlvChartCoordinateTransformer | Class defining a transformation made of a logarithmic transformation to be applied to a coordinate |
CIlvZoomCoordinateTransformer | Class for computing the graduations of a scale |
▼CIlvGraphic [external] | |
►CIlvSimpleGraphic [external] | |
▼CIlvNamedProperty [external] | |
CIlvChartInteractorManager | Manager class for IlvChartInteractor instances |
►CIlvScaleStepsUpdater | Base class for computing the graduations of a scale |
CIlvXMLProperty | Base class representing a property from an XML-represented data set |
CIlvXMLPropertyReader | Base class for XML property readers |
CIlvXMLSeries | A series of double values and their properties |
▼CIlvXMLValueListProcessor | Base class for value list processors in XML data sets |
CIlvXMLDateListProcessor | Date list processor |