Charts Package API Reference Guide
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CIlvAbstractProjectorAbstract base class for data projection
 CIlvCartesianProjectorClass for projection of data expressed in a Cartesian system of coordinates
 CIlvPolarProjectorClass for projection of data expressed in a polar system of coordinates
 CIlvAxisCrossingClass describing the crossing value of an axis
 CIlvAxisAnchoredCrossingClass describing a crossing of an axis at a fixed value
 CIlvMaxAxisCrossingClass describing a crossing of an axis at the maximum value of that axis
 CIlvMinAxisCrossingClass describing a crossing of an axis at the minimum value of that axis
 CIlvAxisElementClass holding all components of a chart axis
 CIlvAbscissaAxisElementClass holding all components of a chart abscissa axis
 CIlvChartDataListenerAbstract base class for chart data object listeners
 CIlvChartDataPointInfoBase class for graphical decoration of data points
 CIlvChartDataGraphicInfoAllows you to draw an IlvGraphic object next to a data point
 CIlvChartDataPointLabelAllows you to annotate data points with labels displaying the values of the data points
 CIlvPieSliceInfoClass allowing to add specific information to a slice
 CIlvChartGradientPointInfoSets the data point colors according to a gradient
 CIlvChartDataSetListenerAbstract base class for data set listeners
 CIlvChartDefaultColorsRepository of predefined colors
 CIlvChartDisplayerFactoryFactory to create displayers that compose a composite displayer
 CIlvChartDisplayerPointsUtility class for displaying data points
 CIlvChartPointsFilterUtility class for displaying data points
 CIlvChartDisplayerPointsFactoryFactory to create instances that manage data point projection
 CIlvChartPointsFilterFactoryFactory to create instances that manage data point projection
 CIlvChartsLicenseManagerDeprecated This class provides services to check whether the license for the Rogue Wave Views Charts add-on is available, or to register a license
 CIlvCoordinateInfoListenerAbstract base class for coordinate information listeners
 CIlvCoordIntervalClass representing a coordinate interval
 CIlvInteractor [external]
 CIlvChartInteractorAbstract base class for chart interactors
 CIlvChartCrossHairInteractorDisplays a crosshair that tracks the pointing device
 CIlvChartDataInteractorAbstract base class for chart data manipulation
 CIlvChartInteractorDispatcherHandles event dispatching to a set of chart interactors
 CIlvChartPanInteractorAssociates scrolling with mouse movements
 CIlvChartScrollInteractorEnables scrolling with arrow keys
 CIlvChartZoomInteractorImplements interactive zooming of a chart
 CIlvPointInfoCollectionAbstract base class for managing point information objects
 CIlvPointInfoArrayClass for point information objects management
 CIlvPointInfoMapClass for point information objects management
 CIlvPointInfoSingletonStores a unique IlvChartDataPointInfo instance
 CIlvValueInterface [external]
 CIlvAbstractChartCursorAbstract base class for chart cursors
 CIlvCircularChartCursorCursor subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts
 CIlvRadialChartCursorCursor subclass for the abscissa scale of polar charts
 CIlvRectangularChartCursorCursor subclass for Cartesian charts
 CIlvAbstractChartDataAbstract base class for managing all the data displayed within a chart
 CIlvMemoryChartDataClass storing the managed data sets in an array
 CIlvXMLChartDataA data set which is read from an XML document
 CIlvAbstractChartDisplayerAbstract base class for data display
 CIlvCompositeChartDisplayerBase class for composite displayers
 CIlvSingleChartDisplayerBase class for single displayers
 CIlvAbstractGridDisplayerAbstract base class for grid display
 CIlvCircularGridDisplayerGrid displayer subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts
 CIlvRadialGridDisplayerGrid displayer subclass for the abscissa scale of polar charts
 CIlvRectangularGridDisplayerGrid displayer subclass for Cartesian charts
 CIlvAbstractScaleDisplayerBase class for scales
 CIlvSingleScaleDisplayerBase class for standard scales
 CIlvChartDataSetAbstract base class for managing a set of data
 CIlvAbstractChartFunctionClass for data sets described by a function
 CIlvChartPointSetClass for data sets described by a set of points with two coordinates
 CIlvChartYValueSetClass for data sets described by a set of values
 CIlvCombinedChartDataSetAbstract base class for combined data sets
 CIlvChartLayoutBase class for chart layout computing
 CIlvCoordinateInfoBase class for coordinate information storage
 CIlvCoordinateTransformerBase class defining a transformation to be applied to a coordinate
 CIlvChartCoordinateTransformerClass defining a transformation made of a logarithmic transformation to be applied to a coordinate
 CIlvZoomCoordinateTransformerClass for computing the graduations of a scale
 CIlvGraphic [external]
 CIlvSimpleGraphic [external]
 CIlvNamedProperty [external]
 CIlvChartInteractorManagerManager class for IlvChartInteractor instances
 CIlvScaleStepsUpdaterBase class for computing the graduations of a scale
 CIlvXMLPropertyBase class representing a property from an XML-represented data set
 CIlvXMLPropertyReaderBase class for XML property readers
 CIlvXMLSeriesA series of double values and their properties
 CIlvXMLValueListProcessorBase class for value list processors in XML data sets
 CIlvXMLDateListProcessorDate list processor