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Visualization Server
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NjavascriptJavaScript Classes and Functions
 CIlsAddingToOpenTableThrown when trying to add an object to a container to which an iterator points
 CIlsAlreadyInDictionaryThrown when adding a already existing name to a dictionary (by insertion or renaming)
 CIlsAlreadyInsertedThrown when there is an attempt to own an object that is already owned
 CIlsAlreadyInSetThrown when trying to insert an already inserted object into a set relation
 CIlsAlreadyInTableThrown when trying to add an object already in the container
 CIlsArrayRelationBase class for array relations
 CIlsAttributeDefAn IlsAttributeDef object defines the runtime visibility and access to an attribute (usually an entry or a derived data member) of a server object type
 CIlsBarrierAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class lets you define a barrier
 CIlsBeginningOfListThrown if an iterator is moved before the first item
 CIlsCantCreateConditionExceptionThrown when the portable library cannot create a new condition variable
 CIlsCantCreateMutexExceptionThrown when the portable library cannot create a new mutex
 CIlsCantCreateThreadExceptionThrown when the portable library cannot create a new thread
 CIlsCantGetThreadPriorityThrown when the system fails to get the priority of a thread
 CIlsCantJoinThreadExceptionThrown when the system fails to join to a thread
 CIlsCantSetThreadPriorityThrown when the system fails to set the priority of a thread
 CIlsCantWaitOnConditionExceptionThrown when the method wait on a condition variable fails
 CIlsClearingOpenTableThrown when clearing a container with an existing iterator
 CIlsCondAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class defines a condition variable
 CIlsConditionExceptionThis is the base class for all exceptions thrown by a condition variable in the portable thread library
 CIlsCycleThrown when a dependence cycle is detected during derived evaluation
 CIlsDerivedData member whose value depends on other data
 CIlsDictionaryClass for storing objects of a given type with an identifier
 CIlsDynamicArrayRelationBase class for dynamic array relations
 CIlsDynAttributeThis abstract class defines the interface of dynamic attributes
 CIlsDynAttributeFactoryThis class is used by to instantiate a new dynamic attribute
 CIlsDynAttributesThis abstract class is the base class for the collection of
attributes of a dynamic object
 CIlsDynModelInterpreterThis class allows you to declare a dynamic model in a Rogue Wave Server application
 CIlsDynMvServerThis subclass of IlsMvServer runs a dynamic view server with dynamic modeling capabilities
 CIlsDynObjectThis class is the default implementation of dynamic objects
 CIlsDynObjectFactoryThis factory allows you to instantiate your own dynamic object instead of using the class IlsDynObject
 CIlsDynRelationThis abstract class defines the interface of dynamic relations
 CIlsDynRelationFactoryThis class is used to instantiate a new dynamic relation
 CIlsDynRelationsThis abstract class is the base class for the collection of relations of a dynamic object
 CIlsEndOfListThrown when iterating a container past the last item
 CIlsEntityThe class IlsEntity is a base class for classes declaring server data members: derived data members, entry data members, and relations
 CIlsEntryClass for notifiable data members
 CIlsExceptionThis class is the base class for all exceptions thrown in the Server library
 CIlsForbiddenOnEmptyListThrown when trying to get first or last object from an empty relation
 CIlsFunctionDefAn IlsFunctionDef object defines the runtime visibility and access to a member function of a server object type or a global function
 CIlsHashKeyManagerThis class is used with set-relations
 CIlsHasReadLockExceptionThrown when a writer lock is taken on a readers/writer lock but the thread already has a reader lock
 CIlsHasWriteLockExceptionThrown when a reader lock is taken on a readers/writer lock but the thread already has a writer lock
 CIlsIdentifiedListRelationBase class for invertible relations (which must have an identifier)
 CIlsIlvTcpMvProcessThis class initializes a server or component process that uses Rogue Wave Server MvTCP as the communication layer and executes the Rogue Wave Views event loop
 CIlsIndexedPartialThis class is an intermediate class that stores array elements
 CIlsInvalidCollectorThrown when an object inserted into a collection is not compatible with the collector
 CIlsInvalidStringExceptionThis exception is raised by the class IlsString if the multibyte string being manipulated is invalid
 CIlsInvertedRelationRogue Wave Server lets you invert a relation by maintaining a back pointer to the origin of that relation
 CIlsInvertedRelationListInverted relation list
 CIlsListRelationBase class for list relations
 CIlsListRelationConstIteratorRelation list const iterator
 CIlsListRelationIteratorList iterator
 CIlsListRelationPositionThis class sets an iterator to a given position
 CIlsLockThis class lets you manipulate global locks within a transaction
 CIlsLockableEntityAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is used with multithreaded applications. It lets you lock an entity once within a thread
 CIlsLockableObjectAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is used with multithreaded applications. It lets you lock an object once within a thread
 CIlsLogfileThis class can be used to display messages to the user
 CIlsMaxCardViolatedThrown when the cardinality of a relation becomes greater than its maximum cardinality
 CIlsMinCardViolatedThrown when the cardinality of a relation becomes lower than its minimum cardinality
 CIlsModelThis class lets you check the integrity of an object structure and set write access to objects
 CIlsModelExceptionThis is the base class for all exceptions raised by the modeling services
 CIlsModelInterpreterThis class implements the runtime interpreter of server object models
 CIlsMTBaseAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This is the base class of all thread utility classes
 CIlsMTExceptionThis is the base class for all exceptions in the portable thread library
 CIlsMutexExceptionThis is the base class for all exceptions thrown by a mutex in the portable thread library
 CIlsMutexNotLockedExceptionThrown when a mutex that is not locked is unlocked
 CIlsMutexNotLockOwnerExceptionThrown when a mutex that was locked by a different thread is unlocked
 CIlsMvComponentThis class implements components for a dynamic-view server (see the class IlsMvServer)
 CIlsMvComponentExceptionThis is the parent class for the exceptions thrown by a component that uses dynamic views
 CIlsMvComponentFactoryThis class is the factory class used to create instances of the IlsMvComponent class
 CIlsMvComponentItfThis class implements the interface of a component that interacts with a dynamic view server
 CIlsMvDataTypeDefines the type of attributes that is attached to a representation object model
 CIlsMvEndPointThis class is the base class for any component connected to a dynamic view server and for the interface of these components as handled by the server
 CIlsMvFileThis class is used to transmit the name and contents of a file from the server to the component
 CIlsMvMessageThis class is internally used by Rogue Wave Server to exchange interaction messages between an object server and application components
 CIlsMvProcessThe class IlsMvProcess implements a set of functions needed by any Rogue Wave Server component or server process
 CIlsMvRefThis class is used to transmit references of representation objects between a component and a server
 CIlsMvServerThis class lets you define dynamic view servers
 CIlsMvServerFactoryThis class is a factory class used to create instances of the class IlsMvServer
 CIlsMvTimeManagerThis singleton manages the current timer used by the dynamic view that exploits the currentTime view attribute
 CIlsMvUserRepressents the user of a component connection
 CIlsMvUserFactoryFactory class that applies to instances of the class IlsMvUser
 CIlsMvUserTypeThis class is the base class for all user-defined types
 CIlsMvValueThis class encapsulates the value of the runtime attributes attached to representation objects
 CIlsMvViewDynamic view class
 CIlsNoRWLockExceptionThrown when a readers/writer lock is unlocked but there was no read or write lock owned by the calling thread
 CIlsNotFoundThrown when trying to suppress an object that is not in the container
 CIlsNullPointerDereferencingThrown when trying to dereference a null smart pointer
 CIlsNullPointerEncounteredThrown when a null pointer is encountered where a valid pointer is expected
 CIlsObjectThe class IlsObject is a base class for all classes declaring server data members: derived data members, entries, and relations
 CIlsObjectTypeDefines the runtime visibility and access of a server object type (a subtype of the class IlsObject or IlsEntity)
 CIlsOnExitExceptionThis exception can be thrown by the log file instead of calling exit or abort on a fatal or internal error
 CIlsOptionalRelationBase class for relation that may be optional or mandatory
 CIlsOwnershipCycleThrown when there is an attempt to create cycles in ownership relations and integrity check is on
 CIlsOwnsOne-to-one ownership relation
 CIlsOwnsDynamicArrayDynamic arrays of ownership relations
 CIlsOwnsFixedArrayFixed arrays of ownership relations
 CIlsOwnsListOne-to-many ownership relation organized as list
 CIlsOwnsSetNon-ordered one-to-many ownership relation
 CIlsPartialThis class is an intermediate class that stores list items
 CIlsRefCountedBase class for object with reference counting used by IlsSmartPointer
 CIlsRelationDefAn IlsRelationDef object defines the runtime visibility and access to a relation of a server object type
 CIlsRemovingFromOpenTableThrown when trying to remove an object from a container to which an iterator points
 CIlsRepresentationThis class implements in a component the representations that are associated with each dynamic view in the server
 CIlsRpAttrModelThis class defines an attribute of a dynamic representation object model (see IlsRpObjModel)
 CIlsRpModelThis class defines a dynamic representation model that is specific to a given dynamic view type specification
 CIlsRpModelInterpreterThis class is a runtime model interpreter used on the component side in Rogue Wave Server applications
 CIlsRpObjectBase class for component side representation objects
 CIlsRpObjModelThis class defines the dynamic model of a representation object
 CIlsRtModelParserThis class is a base class of IlsMvComponent
 CIlsRTTypesNesting types for AttributeKind and RelationKind
 CIlsRWLockAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – A readers/writer lock is used to allow concurrent access to readers and unique access to writers
 CIlsRWLockerAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is a wrapper class that locks the readers/writer lock in the constructor or when the readers/writer lock is assigned, and unlocks the readers/writer lock in the destructor
 CIlsRWLockExceptionThis is the base class for all exceptions thrown by a read/write locker in the portable thread library
 CIlsSafeLockAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class lets you manipulate global locks within a transaction
 CIlsSafelyLockableEntityAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is used with multithreaded applications. It lets you lock an entity several times in the same thread
 CIlsSafelyLockableObjectAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is used with multithreaded applications. It lets you lock an object several times in the same thread
 CIlsSafeMutexAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – A mutex is an object that provides mutually exclusive access to the object. A mutex is one of the basic building blocks of a multithreaded application
 CIlsSafeMutexLockerAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is a wrapper class that locks the mutex in the constructor or when the mutex is assigned, and unlocks the mutex in the destructor, if assigned
 CIlsScriptManagerThis class is the Rogue Wave Server Script Manager
 CIlsSetContextThis template class is the base class for set-relations
 CIlsSetContextListThis class template is used to maintain the integrity of set-relations in which an object whose key is to be modified is involved
 CIlsSetRelationBase class of set relations
 CIlsSetRelationIteratorIterator class
 CIlsSimpleRelationBase class of one-to-one relations
 CIlsSizeViolationThrown when trying to access an index greater than the array size
 CIlsSmartDoublyLinkedListThis class provides a list of owned objects when a relation is created. This list must contain at least as many items as specified for the minimal cardinality
 CIlsSmartPointerThis class lets you declare smart pointers to objects of a given type. Objects referenced by smart pointers are automatically destroyed when their reference counter drops to zero
 CIlsSocketExceptionThis class is the class for all exceptions thrown in the MvTCP library (the Rogue Wave Server network communication layer)
 CIlsSortedInvertedRelationListSorted inverted relation list
 CIlsSortedOwnsListSorted owns list
 CIlsSortedUsesListSorted uses list
 CIlsStringImplements a null-terminated string
 CIlsStringExceptionThis exception is the base class for all exceptions raised by the class IlsString
 CIlsStringFactoryThis class can be used to implement a string factory that will be used by the class IlsString
 CIlsSvModelObserverModel observer
 CIlsSvRefThis class encapsulates a pointer to a server object along with its type, in a non-typed way
 CIlsSwComponentThis class allows you to create a Rogue Wave Views application component
 CIlsSwComponentFactoryThis class allows you to specify what subtypes of IlsSwComponent should be used instead of IlsSwComponent
 CIlsSwDataSourceFactoryThis class allows you to use subtypes of the class IliMemoryDataSource
 CIlsSwGadgetContainerFactoryThis factory class is used to instantiate new gadget containers
 CIlsSwHRefDatatypeThis class is the Rogue Wave Views data type used to represent a hyper-reference
 CIlsSwHRefGadgetThis class defines a hyper-reference gadget
 CIlsSwMemoryTableThis class derives from the Rogue Wave Views class IliMemoryTable and redefines some of the member functions related to the rows
 CIlsSwMemoryTableFactoryThis class allows you to use subtypes of the class IlsSwMemoryTable
 CIlsSwRepresentationThis class implements the set of IlsSwTable representation objects associated with a given dynamic view
 CIlsSwRowDefines a Rogue Wave Server representation object that is a row
 CIlsSwServerDataSourceThis is the class of the Rogue Wave Server data source
 CIlsSwTableThis class defines a Rogue Wave Server representation object that is a table
 CIlsSwTableGadgetThis class defines the basic table gadgets that are created by the Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views component
 CIlsSwUtilityThis utility class provides simple services related to the Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views integration
 CIlsTcpdMappingThis class describes the Server mapping between the server name and the port number in the MvTCP library
 CIlsTcpLoopbackThis class provides a way to execute application code in the main thread in order to synchronize all the critical code such as access to the model
 CIlsTcpMvProcessThis class lets you initialize a server or a component process that uses Rogue Wave Server MvTCP as its communication layer
 CIlsTcpTimerManagerThis class is a subclass of IlsTimerManager merged to the TCP communication layer
 CIlsThreadAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – A thread object is used to create a new thread of execution
 CIlsThreadContextAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class template allows an application to attach one instance of a class to any thread
 CIlsThreadExceptionThis is the base class for all exceptions thrown by an incomplete action on a thread in the portable thread library
 CIlsTimeThis class is used to set a timeout that determines how long a view server will wait for a request
 CIlsTimerThis class manages a Visualization Server timer that will call a callback function when it expires
 CIlsTimerManagerThis singleton manages all the timers that have been posted in the application
 CIlsTimerManagerFactoryThis singleton is used to create a Timer Manager when necessary
 CIlsTransactionAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – The class IlsTransaction performs a series of updates that can all be undone by a rollback() operation, or all be validated by a commit() operation
 CIlsTranslationMngAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is used to managed the encoding and decoding functions used to translate strings between different locales
 CIlsUnownedUseThrown when there is an attempt to use an object that is not owned and integrity check is on
 CIlsUnsafeMutexAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – A mutex is an object which provides mutually exclusive access to an object. A mutex is one of the basic building blocks of a multithreaded application
 CIlsUnsafeMutexLockerAPI FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is a wrapper class that locks the mutex in the constructor or when the mutex is assigned and unlocks the mutex in the destructor, if assigned
 CIlsUpdateForbiddenThrown when trying to update a relation and the function isUpdateAllowed() of the type in which the relation is declared returns false
 CIlsUsesOne-to-one uses relation
 CIlsUsesDynamicArrayDynamic array of uses relations
 CIlsUsesFixedArrayFixed array of uses relations
 CIlsUsesListList of uses relations
 CIlsUsesSetSet of uses relations
 CIlsUtilityExceptionThis is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the utility classes
 CIlsViewedThis class is the parent class of IlsEntity and IlsObject and, as such, the base class for any type of server object
 CIlsViewedRelThis class is the parent class for all classes that declare relations
 CIlsVwConnectionPanelThis class defines a Rogue Wave Views connection panel, allowing the user to connect to one or more servers, query the objects that were declared on them, and open views
 CMvArrayUser-defined array class that inherits from IlsMvUserType
 CMvDateTimeThis class allows dates and times to be exchanged between processes
 CMvKeyValueTableA key-value table class that can be transmited accross Rogue Wave Server components