►CIlvPalette::Builder | IlvPalette builder |
CIlvPalette::Changer | IlvPalette changer |
CIlvPrintableComposite::Coordinates | This class represents the concept of coordinates of a component of a composite |
CIlvPSPrinter::DialogHandle | Class to handle a dialog to initialize or modify the settings |
CIlvPSPrinter::DialogHandle::Factory | Factory class to create a dialog handle |
►CIlCalendar | Abstract base class managing a calendar date |
CIlGregorianCalendar | Class that provides the standard calendar used by most of the world |
CIlIUrlStream | Input stream class |
CIlList | A predefined list class that stores IlAny pointers |
►CIlListIterator | A predefined list iterator class that iterates on IlList objects |
CIlSafeListIterator | A predefined safe list iterator class that iterates on IlList objects |
CIlListIteratorOf(NAME) | An unsafe iterator of lists |
CIlListOf(NAME) | A generic class that handles lists |
CIlNumeric | Class managing large numbers |
CIlPathList | The purpose of this class is to provide a way to order the search path of files |
CIlPathName | Class that manages path names in a portable way |
CIlPoolOf(Char) | A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to char |
CIlPoolOf(IlUInt) | A memory pool of arrays of IlUInt s |
CIlPoolOf(IlvDoublePoint) | A memory pool of arrays of IlvDoublePoints |
CIlPoolOf(IlvFloatPoint) | A memory pool of arrays of IlvFloatPoints |
CIlPoolOf(IlvPoint) | A memory pool of arrays of IlvPoints |
CIlPoolOf(IlvRect) | A memory pool of arrays of IlvRects |
CIlPoolOf(NAME) | A generic class that handles memory pools |
CIlPoolOf(Pointer) | A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to void |
CIlPredefinedUnits | Utility class holding all time units |
CIlSafeListIteratorOf(NAME) | A safe iterator of lists |
CIlSharedPtr< T > | Manages the storage of a pointer, providing a limited garbage-collection facility, possibly sharing that management with other objects |
CIlString | Manages strings in single or multi-bytes |
CIlSymbol | Symbol class |
►CIlTimeUnit | Base class representing a time unit (second, hour, year...) |
CIlTimeUnitDay | Day time unit |
CIlTimeUnitHour | Hour time unit |
CIlTimeUnitMilliSecond | Millisecond time unit |
CIlTimeUnitMinute | Minute time unit |
CIlTimeUnitMonth | Month time unit |
CIlTimeUnitQuarter | Quarter time unit |
CIlTimeUnitSecond | Second time unit |
CIlTimeUnitWeek | Week time unit |
CIlTimeUnitYear | Year time unit |
CIlTimeZone | Dummy IlTimeZone class - not really used |
►CIlvAbstractCOMInterface< INTERFACE > | This pure template abstract class is a base class for COM encapsulation |
CIlvATLInterface< INTERFACE > | This class loads a control by using ATLHOST |
CIlvCOMInterface< INTERFACE > | This class queries for a specific interface from an IUnknown* or from another IlvAbstractCOMInterface |
CIlvCOMInterfaceFromCLSID< INTERFACE > | This class queries for a specific interface from an CLSID |
►CIlvAbstractCOMInterface< IOleObject > | |
CIlvATLInterface< IOleObject > | |
►CIlvAbstractCOMInterface< IViewObject > | |
CIlvCOMInterface< IViewObject > | |
►CIlvAbstractLibraryInitialization | Root class for the initialization of the COM or ATL libraries |
CIlvATLModuleInitialization | This class initializes the ATL library |
CIlvCOMLibraryInitialization | This class initializes the COM library |
►CIlvAccelerator | Base class for accelerators |
CIlvContainerAccelerator | Container accelerator class |
►CIlvAction | Object class encapsulating the interpretation of an action of the user in a given context |
►CIlvCommand | Defines actions that can be undone |
CIlvChangeValueCommand | A command class for storing simple attribute changes made to an object of the class IlvValueInterface |
CIlvMacroCommand | Defines a list of commands to be executed in one operation |
CIlvActionFlags | Flags indicating the properties of an IlvAction object |
CIlvActionMessage | Notification message sent to observers of IlvActionHistory objects |
CIlvActionSelectionHandler | Links an IlvActionHistory object to its context |
CIlvBitmapAllocationResult | Return type of IlvBitmapAllocationFailedCallback functions |
CIlvBitmapAnimationHandler | Animation handler class |
►CIlvBitmapData | Bitmap data base class |
CIlvBWBitmapData | Bitmap data class |
CIlvIndexedBitmapData | Bitmap data class |
CIlvRGBBitmapData | Bitmap data class |
CIlvBitmapInformation | Bitmap information base class |
►CIlvBitmapTransition | Bitmap transition class |
CIlvAlphaBitmapTransition | Bitmap transition class |
CIlvDissolveBitmapTransition | Bitmap transition class |
CIlvSimpleBitmapTransition | Bitmap transition class |
CIlvClassInfo | Class information |
CIlvColorMap | Colormap class |
CIlvColorStop | |
►CIlvCOMError | Base class for the exceptions that may be raised by the classes that encapsulate COM interfaces |
CIlvATLInterfaceError | Exception class for ATL interface query |
CIlvATLLibraryInitializationError | Exception class for ATL library initialization |
CIlvCOMCreateInstanceError | Exception class for COM instance creation |
CIlvCOMGraphicFacadeDrawError | Exception class for IlvCOMGraphicFacade drawing |
CIlvCOMInterfaceError | Exception class for COM interface query |
CIlvCOMLibraryInitializationError | Exception class for COM library initialization |
CIlvCOMGraphicFacade | Class that encapsulates an ActiveX so that it may be shared by several IlvGraphicCOMAdapter objects |
CIlvCommandFlags | Flags describing the state of a command |
CIlvControlBrowser | Class that encapsulate a dialog to select an ActiveX |
CIlvDeltaPoint | Geometric class |
►CIlvDisplayConfig | Display configuration base class |
CIlvWindowsDisplayConfig | Display configuration class for Windows applications |
CIlvXDisplayConfig | Display configuration class for X Window applications |
►CIlvDisplayTestApi | Test API class |
CIlvTestApi | Test API class |
CIlvDoublePoint | Geometric class |
►CIlvDynamicStyle | An IlvDynamicStyle allows overriding the return value with an eastl::function |
CIlvDynamicStyleStatic | An IlvDynamicStyleStatic extends IlvDynamicStyle and allows static allocation |
CIlvError | Error handling class |
CIlvEvent | Event handling class |
CIlvEventLoop | Event loop class |
CIlvEventPlayer | Event player class |
CIlvFileSelector | File selector system dialog |
CIlvFloatPoint | Geometric class |
CIlvFloatRect | Geometric class |
CIlvFontManager | Font manager class |
►CIlvGradientGeometry | Resource class |
CIlvLinearGradientGeometry | Resource class |
CIlvRadialGradientGeometry | Resource class |
CIlvGradientGraphicBBoxManager | Graphic class |
CIlvGraphicHolder | Holder class |
CIlvImValue | Class to help in Input Method management |
CIlvInformationDialog | System dialog box class |
CIlvInputFile | Input/Output class |
►CIlvInteractor | Abstract base class for interactors |
►CIlvButtonInteractor | Button interactor class |
CIlvRepeatButtonInteractor | Button interactor with auto-repeat behavior |
CIlvToggleInteractor | Interactor to add toggle behavior to graphic objects |
CIlvDragDropInteractor | Drag-drop interactor for graphic objects |
CIlvGadgetInteractor | The base class for gadget interactors |
CIlvGaugeInteractor | Interactor class for IlvGauge objects |
CIlvGraphicComAdapterInteractor | Interactor that lets the user to interact with the ActiveX associated to an IlvGraphicComAdapter |
CIlvMoveInteractor | Manager interactor class |
CIlvMoveReshapeInteractor | Interactor to move or resize graphic objects |
CIlvReshapeInteractor | Interactor to resize graphic objects |
CIlvSelectorInteractor | Interactor for IlvSelector instances |
►CIlvLookFeelHandler | Look and feel base class |
►CIlvBasicLFHandler | Look and feel class |
CIlvMotifLFHandler | Look and feel handler class |
►CIlvWindowsLFHandler | Look and feel handler class |
CIlvVXLFHandler | Look and feel handler class |
CIlvWindows95LFHandler | Look and feel handler class |
CIlvMessageDatabase | Message handling class |
►CIlvObjectLFHandler | Object look and feel base class |
►CIlvAbstractViewLFHandler | Object Look-and-Feel class |
CIlvDefaultAbstractViewLFHandler | Object look-and-feel class |
►CIlvContainerLFHandler | Object Look-and-Feel class |
CIlvDefaultContainerLFHandler | Object look-and-feel class |
►CIlvObserver | Observer class, notified of changes occurring in a set of IlvObservable objects |
CIlvModifiedFlagObserver | Reports the modifications made to a document |
CIlvOutputFile | Input/Output class |
CIlvOwnership< OBJECT, HASHSIZE > | This class is a smart pointer with the additional property of dealing with the ownership of the object |
CIlvOwnership< ADAPTEE > | |
CIlvOwnership< IlvCOMGraphicFacade > | |
CIlvPaperFormat | Base class for the paper format classes |
►CIlvPathSteppingData | Graphic path-related class |
CIlvPathDrawingData | Graphic path related class |
CIlvPerlinNoise | Ken Perlin's noise generator |
►CIlvPoint | Geometric class |
CIlvWindowsPoint | This class is a helper to deal with the Windows API structure POINT in Rogue Wave Views code |
CIlvPointArray | Geometric class |
►CIlvPostScriptEncoder | Base PostScript encoder class |
CIlvASCII85Encoder | ASCII85 encoder class |
CIlvASCIIHexEncoder | ASCII Hex encoder class |
CIlvRunLengthEncoder | RunLength encoder class |
►CIlvPrintable | This class encapsulates the object to be printed |
CIlvPrintableComposite | This class lets you merge several IlvPrintable objects in the same IlvPrintable |
CIlvPrintableFrame | This class prints a frame (a rectangle) |
►CIlvPrintableScalable | This class encapsulates an object that may be scaled |
CIlvPrintableContainer | This class encapsulates an IlvContainer so that it can be printed with this library |
CIlvPrintableGraphic | This class encapsulates an IlvGraphic so that it can be printed with this library |
►CIlvPrintableText | This class encapsulates a text so that it can be printed with this library |
CIlvPrintableFormattedText | This class encapsulates a text with various attributes so that it can be printed with this library |
►CIlvPrintableArea | Abstract class that represents an area of a logical page |
CIlvPrintableActualArea | This class is used to represent an actual area where to print |
CIlvPrintableNullArea | This class is used to represent an area that is not used |
CIlvPrintableDocument | Class that manages the document to print |
CIlvPrintableJob | Class of printing settings |
►CIlvPrintableLayout | Base class for the layout classes |
►CIlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages | This class defines a layout using a matrix of pages |
CIlvPrintableLayoutFixedSize | This class defines a layout using a given size on the paper |
CIlvPrintableLayoutIdentity | This class defines a layout using the same size as the printable |
CIlvPrintableLayoutOnePage | This class defines a layout using a single page |
►CIlvPrinter | Base class for the printer classes |
CIlvPrinterPreview | This class lets you preview pages |
CIlvPSPrinter | Class for printing to a PostScript printer |
CIlvWindowsPrinter | Class for printing on the Windows printer |
CIlvPrinterPreviewDisplayer | Class to actually display the printing preview |
►CIlvPrintUnit | Base class for the measurement system classes |
CIlvPrintCMUnit | Class for measurement system in centimeters |
CIlvPrintInchUnit | Class for measurement system in inches |
CIlvPrintPicaUnit | Class for measurement system in pica |
CIlvPrintPointUnit | Class for measurement system in points |
CIlvPromptDialog | String entry dialog |
CIlvPushAlpha | This class is used to temporarily modify the alpha component of an IlvPort |
CIlvPushClip | This class is used to temporarily modify the clip of an IlvPalette |
►CIlvQuantizer | Quantizer base class |
►CIlvFixedQuantizer | Fixed Colormap Quantizer base class |
CIlvNetscapeQuantizer | Netscape fixed colormap quantizer class |
CIlvQuickQuantizer | 332 fixed colormap quantizer class |
CIlvWUQuantizer | WU quantizer class |
CIlvQuestionDialog | A system dialog box that asks a question |
►CIlvRect | Geometric class |
CIlvRoundRect | Geometric class |
CIlvWindowsRect | This class is a helper to deal with the Windows API structure RECT in Rogue Wave Views code |
CIlvRefCountPtr< LOCKABLE > | Non-intrusive Reference Counter smart pointer |
CIlvRefCountPtr< IlvAbstractLibraryInitialization > | |
CIlvRefCountPtr< IlvOwnership< ADAPTEE > > | |
CIlvRefCountPtr< IlvOwnership< IlvCOMGraphicFacade > > | |
CIlvRegion | Geometric class |
CIlvRegionOptimizer | Utility class to optimize a region |
CIlvRegionUpdater | Utility class to update invalidated display regions |
►CIlvResource | Resource class |
CIlvColor | Resource class |
CIlvCursor | Cursor class |
CIlvFont | Resource class |
CIlvLineStyle | Resource class |
CIlvPalette | Resource class |
►CIlvPattern | Resource class |
CIlvColorPattern | Resource class |
CIlvGradientPattern | Resource class |
CIlvRoundRectCorner | Geometric class |
CIlvRoundRectCorners | A structure containing the four corners of a RoundRect |
CIlvScript | Scripting class |
CIlvScriptContext | Scripting class |
CIlvScriptLanguage | Scripting class |
CIlvSelectionInterface | Interface used to create selection objects |
►CIlvSmartData | Base class for reference counting |
►CIlvObservable | Observable class, sending notification to a set of Observer objects |
►CIlvActionHistory | A repository of user actions |
CIlvCommandHistory | A command stack allowing the implementation of the undo/redo functionality |
CIlvSmartSet | Group class |
►CIlvStylable | Base interface for classes that can be applied a style |
►CIlvAbstractView | View class |
CIlvScrollView | View class |
►CIlvView | View class |
►CIlvDrawingView | View class |
CIlvContainer | View container class |
CIlvElasticView | View class |
CIlvViewCOMAdapter | Class that encapsulate an ActiveX so that it may be used as an IlvView |
►CIlvGraphicSet | Graphic class |
CIlvSelector | Graphic class |
►CIlvSimpleGraphic | Graphic class |
►CIlvArc | Graphic class |
CIlvFilledArc | Graphic class |
►CIlvDrawSelection | Base class for selection objects |
►CIlvPolyPointsSelection | Represents the selectable portions of an IlvPolyPoints object |
CIlvSplineSelection | Specialization of IlvPolyPointSelection to represent the selectable portions of an IlvSpline object |
CIlvReshapeSelection | Default selection object for graphic objects |
►CIlvEllipse | Graphic class |
CIlvFilledEllipse | Graphic class |
CIlvGadget | The base class for all the gadgets classes |
►CIlvGauge | Graphic class |
►CIlvCircularGauge | Graphic class |
CIlvFilledCircularGauge | Graphic class |
►CIlvRectangularGauge | Graphic class |
CIlvReliefGauge | Graphic class |
CIlvSliderGauge | Graphic class |
CIlvGraphicPath | Graphic class |
►CIlvIcon | Graphic class |
CIlvTransparentIcon | Graphic class |
►CIlvZoomableIcon | Graphic class |
CIlvZoomableTransparentIcon | An icon that has transparent areas and that can be reshaped |
►CIlvLabel | Graphic class |
CIlvFilledLabel | Graphic class |
CIlvZoomableLabel | Graphic class |
►CIlvLine | Graphic class |
CIlvArrowLine | Graphic class |
CIlvReliefLine | Graphic class |
CIlvListLabel | Graphic class |
►CIlvMarker | Implements graphic objects that are drawn with fixed-size symbols |
CIlvZoomableMarker | IlvMarker subclass with zoomable capability |
►CIlvPolyPoints | Graphic class |
►CIlvPolyline | Graphic class |
CIlvArrowPolyline | Graphic class |
►CIlvPolygon | Graphic class |
CIlvOutlinePolygon | Graphic class |
►CIlvSpline | Graphic class |
►CIlvClosedSpline | Graphic class |
CIlvFilledSpline | Graphic class |
CIlvPolySelection | Graphic class |
►CIlvRectangle | Graphic class |
►CIlvFilledRectangle | Graphic class |
CIlvFilledRoundRectangle | Graphic class |
CIlvGridRectangle | Graphic class |
►CIlvReliefRectangle | Graphic class |
CIlvReliefDiamond | Graphic class |
CIlvReliefLabel | Graphic class |
►CIlvShadowRectangle | Graphic class |
CIlvShadowLabel | Graphic class |
►CIlvViewRectangle | Graphic class |
CIlvContainerRectangle | View rectangle class |
CIlvRoundRectangle | Graphic class |
►CIlvScale | Scale class |
CIlvCircularScale | Graphic class |
CIlvRectangularScale | Graphic class |
►CIlvTimeScale | Graphic class that displays a time scale |
CIlvCalendarScale | Calendar time scale class |
►CIlvStylist | Applies styles to IlvStylable objects |
CIlvAbstractView | View class |
CIlvDisplay | Display class |
CIlvSVGImporter | This class provides a method for importing graphical objects from an SVG image |
CIlvTable | Table class |
►CIlvTimeConverter | Class for converting dates |
CIlvLinearTimeConverter | Linear time converter class |
CIlvTimeInterval | Holds a time interval |
CIlvTimeIterator | Iterator class |
CIlvTimer | Timer class |
CIlvTimeScalePaintContext | Utility class for IlvTimeScale |
►CIlvTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
CIlvDayTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
CIlvHalfDayTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
CIlvHourTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
CIlvMinuteTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
CIlvMonthTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
CIlvQuarterTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
CIlvWeekTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
CIlvYearTimeScaleRow | Time scale row class |
►CIlvTimeScrollable | Date and time-related abstract class |
CIlvTimeScale | Graphic class that displays a time scale |
CIlvTimeUtil | Utility class for dealing with dates and calendars |
CIlvTransformer | Geometric transformation class |
►CIlvTransitionHandler | Transition Handler class |
CIlvBitmapTransitionHandler | Transition Handler class |
CIlvTransitionScheduler | Transition Scheduler class |
CIlvValue | Graphic related class |
►CIlvValueInterface | Value interface class |
►CIlvBitmapDataAlgorithm | Bitmap data algorithm base class |
CIlvBitmapDataQuickResampler | Quick bitmap data resampler class |
CIlvBitmapDataSmoothResampler | Smooth bitmap data resampler class |
CIlvBitmapDataKernel | Kernel |
►CIlvBitmapFilter | Bitmap filter base class |
CIlvBlendFilter | Blend filter |
►CIlvColorMatrixFilter | Color matrix filter |
CIlvHueRotateFilter | Hue rotate filter |
CIlvLuminanceToAlphaFilter | Luminance To Alpha filter |
CIlvSaturationFilter | Saturation filter |
CIlvComponentTransferFilter | Component transfer filter |
CIlvComposeFilter | Compose filter |
CIlvConvolutionFilter | Convolution filter |
CIlvDisplaceFilter | Displace filter |
CIlvFilterFlow | Bitmap filter flow class |
CIlvFloodFilter | Flood filter |
CIlvGaussianBlurFilter | Gaussian Blur filter |
CIlvImageFilter | Image filter |
►CIlvLightingFilter | Lighting filter |
CIlvDiffuseLightingFilter | Diffuse Lighting filter |
CIlvSpecularLightingFilter | Specular Lighting filter |
CIlvMergeFilter | Merge filter |
CIlvMorphologyFilter | Morphology filter |
CIlvOffsetFilter | Offset filter |
CIlvTileFilter | Tile filter |
CIlvTurbulenceFilter | Turbulence filter |
►CIlvBitmapStreamer | Bitmap streamer base class |
CIlvBMPStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
CIlvGIFStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
CIlvJPGStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
CIlvPNGStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
CIlvPPMStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
CIlvRGBStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
CIlvSVGStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
CIlvTIFFStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
CIlvWBMPStreamer | Bitmap streamer class |
►CIlvGraphic | Graphic class |
CIlvGraphicAdapter< ADAPTEE > | Frame class to adapt any object as an IlvGraphic |
►CIlvGraphicAdapter< IlvCOMGraphicFacade > | |
CIlvGraphicCOMAdapter | Class that encapsulates an ActiveX so that it may be used as an IlvGraphic object |
►CIlvGraphicHandle | Graphic class |
CIlvFilteredGraphic | Graphic class |
CIlvFixedSizeGraphic | Graphic class |
►CIlvTransformedGraphic | Graphic handle class |
CIlvGraphicInstance | Graphic handle class |
CIlvGraphicSet | Graphic class |
CIlvSimpleGraphic | Graphic class |
►CIlvLightSource | Lights |
CIlvDistantLight | Distant Light |
►CIlvPointLight | Point Light |
CIlvSpotLight | Spot Light |
►CIlvNamedProperty | Named property class |
►CIlvAnimator | Named property class |
CIlvBitmapAnimator | Named property class |
CIlvGraphicAnimator | Named property class |
CIlvToolTip | Named Property class |
►CIlvPort | Port class |
►CIlvPSDevice | Class implementing a dump device in PostScript |
CIlvPSColorDevice | Class implementing a dump device in PostScript (color-enabled) |
CIlvSVGDevice | Class implementing a dump device in SVG |
►CIlvSystemPort | Port class |
CIlvAbstractView | View class |
CIlvBitmap | Port class |
►CIlvWindowsVirtualDevice | Windows-specific class to predefine devices |
CIlvWindowsDevice | Windows-specific class to predefine printer devices |
CIlvScriptFunction | Scripting class |
►CIlvTransferFunction | Base transfer function |
CIlvDiscreteTransfer | Discrete transfer function |
CIlvGammaTransfer | Gamma transfer function |
CIlvIdentityTransfer | Identity transfer function |
CIlvLinearTransfer | Linear transfer function |
CIlvTableTransfer | Table transfer function |
CIlvValueTypeClass | Base class for value types |
►CIlvViewHandler | Class used to handle events that occurs on an IlvView |
CIlvAttachmentsHandler | Class used to handle attachments of graphic objects |
►CIlvToolTipHandler | Tooltip handler class |
CIlvGraphicHolderToolTipHandler | Tooltip handler class |
CIlvContainer::IlvViewInputFileFactory | Factory for customizing the creation of a view input file |
►CIlvWindowsPrinterDCFactory | Windows-specific class to create a printer device context |
CIlvWindowsPrinterDCDialogFactory | Windows-specific class to create a printer device context from the Windows print dialog |
►CIlXmlDocumentI | Interface for XML documents |
CIlXmlDocument | Default implementation for XML documents |
CIlXmlNodeFactory | Node factory used when parsing XML documents |
►CIlXmlNodeI | Interface for XML nodes |
►CIlXmlAttributeI | Interface for XML attributes |
CIlXmlAttribute | Default implementation of XML attributes |
►CIlXmlCDataI | Interface for XML processing instruction entities |
CIlXmlCData | Default implementation of XML CData entities |
►CIlXmlCharRefI | Interface for XML CharRefs |
CIlXmlCharRef | Default implementation of XML CharRefs |
►CIlXmlCommentI | Interface for XML comments |
CIlXmlComment | Default implementation of XML comments |
►CIlXmlElementI | Interface for XML elements |
CIlXmlElement | Default implementation of XML elements |
►CIlXmlPII | Interface for XML processing instruction entities |
CIlXmlPI | Default implementation of XML processing instructions |
►CIlXmlTextI | Interface for XML texts |
CIlXmlText | Default implementation of XML texts |
►CIlXmlNodeIteratorI | Interface for XML node iterators |
CIlXmlNodeArrayIterator | XML node array iterator |
CIlXmlNodeIterator | XML node iterator |
CIlXmlNodeListIterator | Interface for XML node list iterators |
CIlXmlNodePtrArrayIterator | XML node pointer array iterator |
CIlvPrintableDocument::Iterator | Iterator class to walk through the objects stored in an IlvPrintableDocument |
CIlvPrintableComposite::Iterator | Iterator class to walk through the objects stored in an IlvPrintableComposite |
►CIlvPrintableComposite::PositionCoordinate | This is an abstract class representing the concept of the end point of a segment |
CIlvPrintableComposite::DeducedPositionCoordinate | This class is used to represent the concept of a deduced end point of a segment, that is computed by the calling object |
►CIlvPrintableComposite::RelativePositionCoordinate | This abstract class is used to represent the concept of the end point of a segment relatively to the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite |
CIlvPrintableComposite::DeltaRelativePositionCoordinate | This class is used to represent the concept of the end point of a segment relatively in pixel to the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite |
CIlvPrintableComposite::RatioRelativePositionCoordinate | This class is used to represent the concept of the end point of a segment with a percentage of the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite . The ratio is actually stored in hundredths of a percent |
Cilv::resource_ptr< T > | |
Cilv::resource_ptr< IlvColor > | |
►CIlvPrintableComposite::SegmentCoordinates | This is an abstract class that represents the concept of the position, on an axis, of a component |
CIlvPrintableComposite::DeducedSegmentCoordinates | This class is used to represent the deduced position, on an axis, of a component that are computed by the calling object |
►CIlvPrintableComposite::RelativeSegmentCoordinates | This is an abstract class that represents the concept of relative position, on an axis, of a component |
CIlvPrintableComposite::DeltaRelativeSegmentCoordinates | This class is used to represent the position in pixel, on an axis, of a component relatively to the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite |
CIlvPrintableComposite::RatioRelativeSegmentCoordinates | This class is used to represent the position, on an axis, of a component. It is a percentage of the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite . It is stored in hundredths of a percent |
►CIlvView::Shape | |
CIlvView::RoundedCornerShape | |
CIlvPrintableDocument::ThresholdHook | Hook class to decide what to do when there are too many pages to print |