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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CIlvPalette::BuilderIlvPalette builder
 CIlvPrintableComposite::CoordinatesThis class represents the concept of coordinates of a component of a composite
 CIlvPSPrinter::DialogHandleClass to handle a dialog to initialize or modify the settings
 CIlvPSPrinter::DialogHandle::FactoryFactory class to create a dialog handle
 CIlCalendarAbstract base class managing a calendar date
 CIlIUrlStreamInput stream class
 CIlListA predefined list class that stores IlAny pointers
 CIlListIteratorA predefined list iterator class that iterates on IlList objects
 CIlListIteratorOf(NAME)An unsafe iterator of lists
 CIlListOf(NAME)A generic class that handles lists
 CIlNumericClass managing large numbers
 CIlPathListThe purpose of this class is to provide a way to order the search path of files
 CIlPathNameClass that manages path names in a portable way
 CIlPoolOf(Char)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to char
 CIlPoolOf(IlUInt)A memory pool of arrays of IlUInts
 CIlPoolOf(IlvDoublePoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvDoublePoints
 CIlPoolOf(IlvFloatPoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvFloatPoints
 CIlPoolOf(IlvPoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvPoints
 CIlPoolOf(IlvRect)A memory pool of arrays of IlvRects
 CIlPoolOf(NAME)A generic class that handles memory pools
 CIlPoolOf(Pointer)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to void
 CIlPredefinedUnitsUtility class holding all time units
 CIlSafeListIteratorOf(NAME)A safe iterator of lists
 CIlSharedPtr< T >Manages the storage of a pointer, providing a limited garbage-collection facility, possibly sharing that management with other objects
 CIlStringManages strings in single or multi-bytes
 CIlSymbolSymbol class
 CIlTimeUnitBase class representing a time unit (second, hour, year...)
 CIlTimeZoneDummy IlTimeZone class - not really used
 CIlvAbstractCOMInterface< INTERFACE >This pure template abstract class is a base class for COM encapsulation
 CIlvAbstractCOMInterface< IOleObject >
 CIlvAbstractCOMInterface< IViewObject >
 CIlvAbstractLibraryInitializationRoot class for the initialization of the COM or ATL libraries
 CIlvAcceleratorBase class for accelerators
 CIlvActionObject class encapsulating the interpretation of an action of the user in a given context
 CIlvActionFlagsFlags indicating the properties of an IlvAction object
 CIlvActionMessageNotification message sent to observers of IlvActionHistory objects
 CIlvActionSelectionHandlerLinks an IlvActionHistory object to its context
 CIlvBitmapAllocationResultReturn type of IlvBitmapAllocationFailedCallback functions
 CIlvBitmapAnimationHandlerAnimation handler class
 CIlvBitmapDataBitmap data base class
 CIlvBitmapInformationBitmap information base class
 CIlvBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
 CIlvClassInfoClass information
 CIlvColorMapColormap class
 CIlvCOMErrorBase class for the exceptions that may be raised by the classes that encapsulate COM interfaces
 CIlvCOMGraphicFacadeClass that encapsulates an ActiveX so that it may be shared by several IlvGraphicCOMAdapter objects
 CIlvCommandFlagsFlags describing the state of a command
 CIlvControlBrowserClass that encapsulate a dialog to select an ActiveX
 CIlvDeltaPointGeometric class
 CIlvDisplayConfigDisplay configuration base class
 CIlvDisplayTestApiTest API class
 CIlvDoublePointGeometric class
 CIlvDynamicStyleAn IlvDynamicStyle allows overriding the return value with an eastl::function
 CIlvErrorError handling class
 CIlvEventEvent handling class
 CIlvEventLoopEvent loop class
 CIlvEventPlayerEvent player class
 CIlvFileSelectorFile selector system dialog
 CIlvFloatPointGeometric class
 CIlvFloatRectGeometric class
 CIlvFontManagerFont manager class
 CIlvGradientGeometryResource class
 CIlvGradientGraphicBBoxManagerGraphic class
 CIlvGraphicHolderHolder class
 CIlvImValueClass to help in Input Method management
 CIlvInformationDialogSystem dialog box class
 CIlvInputFileInput/Output class
 CIlvInteractorAbstract base class for interactors
 CIlvLookFeelHandlerLook and feel base class
 CIlvMessageDatabaseMessage handling class
 CIlvObjectLFHandlerObject look and feel base class
 CIlvObserverObserver class, notified of changes occurring in a set of IlvObservable objects
 CIlvOutputFileInput/Output class
 CIlvOwnership< OBJECT, HASHSIZE >This class is a smart pointer with the additional property of dealing with the ownership of the object
 CIlvOwnership< ADAPTEE >
 CIlvOwnership< IlvCOMGraphicFacade >
 CIlvPaperFormatBase class for the paper format classes
 CIlvPathSteppingDataGraphic path-related class
 CIlvPerlinNoiseKen Perlin's noise generator
 CIlvPointGeometric class
 CIlvPointArrayGeometric class
 CIlvPostScriptEncoderBase PostScript encoder class
 CIlvPrintableThis class encapsulates the object to be printed
 CIlvPrintableAreaAbstract class that represents an area of a logical page
 CIlvPrintableDocumentClass that manages the document to print
 CIlvPrintableJobClass of printing settings
 CIlvPrintableLayoutBase class for the layout classes
 CIlvPrinterBase class for the printer classes
 CIlvPrinterPreviewDisplayerClass to actually display the printing preview
 CIlvPrintUnitBase class for the measurement system classes
 CIlvPromptDialogString entry dialog
 CIlvPushAlphaThis class is used to temporarily modify the alpha component of an IlvPort
 CIlvPushClipThis class is used to temporarily modify the clip of an IlvPalette
 CIlvQuantizerQuantizer base class
 CIlvQuestionDialogA system dialog box that asks a question
 CIlvRectGeometric class
 CIlvRefCountPtr< LOCKABLE >Non-intrusive Reference Counter smart pointer
 CIlvRefCountPtr< IlvAbstractLibraryInitialization >
 CIlvRefCountPtr< IlvOwnership< ADAPTEE > >
 CIlvRefCountPtr< IlvOwnership< IlvCOMGraphicFacade > >
 CIlvRegionGeometric class
 CIlvRegionOptimizerUtility class to optimize a region
 CIlvRegionUpdaterUtility class to update invalidated display regions
 CIlvResourceResource class
 CIlvRoundRectCornerGeometric class
 CIlvRoundRectCornersA structure containing the four corners of a RoundRect
 CIlvScriptScripting class
 CIlvScriptContextScripting class
 CIlvScriptLanguageScripting class
 CIlvSelectionInterfaceInterface used to create selection objects
 CIlvSmartDataBase class for reference counting
 CIlvSmartSetGroup class
 CIlvStylableBase interface for classes that can be applied a style
 CIlvStylistApplies styles to IlvStylable objects
 CIlvSVGImporterThis class provides a method for importing graphical objects from an SVG image
 CIlvTableTable class
 CIlvTimeConverterClass for converting dates
 CIlvTimeIntervalHolds a time interval
 CIlvTimeIteratorIterator class
 CIlvTimerTimer class
 CIlvTimeScalePaintContextUtility class for IlvTimeScale
 CIlvTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvTimeScrollableDate and time-related abstract class
 CIlvTimeUtilUtility class for dealing with dates and calendars
 CIlvTransformerGeometric transformation class
 CIlvTransitionHandlerTransition Handler class
 CIlvTransitionSchedulerTransition Scheduler class
 CIlvValueGraphic related class
 CIlvValueInterfaceValue interface class
 CIlvValueTypeClassBase class for value types
 CIlvViewHandlerClass used to handle events that occurs on an IlvView
 CIlvContainer::IlvViewInputFileFactoryFactory for customizing the creation of a view input file
 CIlvWindowsPrinterDCFactoryWindows-specific class to create a printer device context
 CIlXmlDocumentIInterface for XML documents
 CIlXmlNodeFactoryNode factory used when parsing XML documents
 CIlXmlNodeIInterface for XML nodes
 CIlXmlNodeIteratorIInterface for XML node iterators
 CIlvPrintableDocument::IteratorIterator class to walk through the objects stored in an IlvPrintableDocument
 CIlvPrintableComposite::IteratorIterator class to walk through the objects stored in an IlvPrintableComposite
 CIlvPrintableComposite::PositionCoordinateThis is an abstract class representing the concept of the end point of a segment
 Cilv::resource_ptr< T >
 Cilv::resource_ptr< IlvColor >
 CIlvPrintableComposite::SegmentCoordinatesThis is an abstract class that represents the concept of the position, on an axis, of a component
 CIlvPrintableDocument::ThresholdHookHook class to decide what to do when there are too many pages to print