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IlvFilteredGraphic Class Reference

Graphic class. More...

#include <ilviews/graphics/filtgraph.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvFilteredGraphic:
IlvGraphicHandle IlvGraphic IlvValueInterface

Public Types

enum  DisplayMode { DisplayFiltered, DisplayShowThrough }
 This enumeration defines the possible values for the display mode. More...
enum  RefreshMode { RefreshOnDemand, RefreshAlways }
 This enumeration defines the possible values for the refresh mode. More...

Public Member Functions

 IlvFilteredGraphic (IlvDisplay *display, IlvGraphic *object, const IlString &filter="", IlBoolean owner=IlFalse)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~IlvFilteredGraphic ()
 Destructor. More...
void applyTransform (const IlvTransformer *)
 Applies a transformation. More...
void boundingBox (IlvRect &, const IlvTransformer *=0) const
 Retrieves the bounding box of the graphic object. More...
void computeBitmapData (const IlvTransformer *t=0)
 Computes the filtered bitmap data. More...
virtual IlBoolean contains (const IlvPoint &, const IlvPoint &, const IlvTransformer *=0) const
 Checks whether a point is in the object. More...
void draw (IlvPort *, const IlvTransformer *=0, const IlvRegion *=0) const
 Draws the graphic object. More...
DisplayMode getDisplayMode () const
 Returns the display mode. More...
IlvFilterFlowgetFilterFlow () const
 Returns the filter flow used. More...
const IlStringgetFilterName () const
 Returns the name of the filter used. More...
const IlvBitmapDatagetInternalBitmapData () const
 Returns the internal filtered bitmap data. More...
IlvColorgetInternalColor () const
 Returns the color used internally to compute the mask from the object. More...
IlUInt getMaximumSize () const
 Returns the maximum dimension of the internal bitmap. More...
RefreshMode getRefreshMode () const
 Returns the refresh mode. More...
virtual IlBoolean inside (const IlvRegion &, const IlvTransformer *=0) const
 Determines whether an object with transformation applied is inside the bounding box. More...
virtual IlBoolean intersects (const IlvRegion &, const IlvTransformer *=0) const
 Checks whether a region intersects the bounding box with transformation applied. More...
void invalidate ()
 Marks the internal filtered graphic as invalid.
virtual void invert (IlBoolean=IlFalse)
 Highlights the object. More...
IlBoolean isInvalid () const
 Returns whether the internal filtered graphic is invalid. More...
virtual void setAntialiasingMode (IlvAntialiasingMode)
 Sets the anti-aliasing mode of the object. More...
virtual void setArcMode (IlvArcMode)
 Sets the arc mode of the object. More...
virtual void setBackground (IlvColor *)
 Sets the background color of the object. More...
virtual void setColorPattern (IlvColorPattern *)
 Sets the color pattern of the object. More...
void setDisplayMode (DisplayMode mode)
 Sets the display mode. More...
virtual void setFillRule (IlvFillRule)
 Sets the fill rule of the object. More...
virtual void setFillStyle (IlvFillStyle)
 Sets the fill style of the object. More...
void setFilterFlow (IlvFilterFlow *flow)
 Sets the filter flow used. More...
void setFilterName (const IlString &filter)
 Sets the filter name to be used. More...
virtual void setFont (IlvFont *)
 Sets the font of the object. More...
virtual void setForeground (IlvColor *)
 Sets the foreground color of the object. More...
virtual void setGradientPattern (IlvGradientPattern *)
 Sets the gradient pattern of the object. More...
void setInternalColor (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the color used internally to compute the mask from the object. More...
virtual void setLineStyle (IlvLineStyle *)
 Sets the line style of the object. More...
virtual void setLineWidth (IlUShort)
 Sets the line width of the object. More...
void setMaximumSize (IlUInt size)
 Sets the maximum dimension of the internal bitmap. More...
virtual void setMode (IlvDrawMode)
 Sets the drawing mode of the object temporarily. More...
virtual void setOverwrite (IlBoolean)
 Sets an overwrite mode that modifies how the drawing member functions operate. More...
virtual void setPalette (IlvPalette *)
 Sets the palette of the object. More...
virtual void setPattern (IlvPattern *)
 Sets the pattern of the object. More...
void setRefreshMode (RefreshMode mode)
 Sets the refresh mode. More...
virtual IlBoolean zoomable () const
 Checks whether this object is zoomable. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvGraphicHandle
 IlvGraphicHandle (IlvGraphic *object, IlBoolean owner=IlFalse)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void apply (IlvApplyObject function, IlAny userArg)
 Applies a function to the referenced object. More...
virtual void applyReferences (IlvApplyObject function, IlAny userArg)
 Conditionally applies a function to the referenced object. More...
virtual void computeFocusRegion (IlvRegion &r, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Computes the region needed for the drawing of the focus. More...
virtual void drawFocus (IlvPort *dst, const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws additional drawings for an object that has the keyboard focus. More...
virtual void getAccessors (const IlSymbol *const **accessors, const IlvValueTypeClass *const **types, IlUInt &count) const
 Retrieves the list of available accessors of an object. More...
virtual IlvIntensity getAlpha () const
 Retrieves the alpha component. More...
IlvAntialiasingMode getAntialiasingMode () const
 Retrieves the anti-aliasing mode. More...
virtual IlvGraphicHoldergetHolder () const
 Gets a pointer to an object's holder. More...
virtual IlUShort getLineWidth () const
 Retrieves the line width. More...
virtual IlvLookFeelHandlergetLookFeelHandler () const
 Returns the look & feel handler used by this object. More...
IlvGraphicgetObject () const
 Retrieves the reference object. More...
IlBoolean isOwner () const
 Retrieves the ownership. More...
virtual void setAlpha (IlvIntensity alpha)
 Sets the alpha value of the object. More...
virtual void setHolder (IlvGraphicHolder *holder)
 Sets the object's holder. More...
void setObject (IlvGraphic *object)
 Sets the referenced object. More...
void setOwner (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the ownership. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvGraphic
void addCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName, const IlSymbol *script=0)
 Adds a callback function to a callback list. More...
void addCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback)
 Adds a callback function to a callback list. More...
void addCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callbackName, IlAny data)
 Adds a callback function to a callback list. More...
void addClassProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value)
 Adds a property to this object's class. More...
void addProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value)
 Adds a specific property to the object. More...
void addTag (const IlSymbol *tag)
 Adds a tag. More...
IlBoolean applyAttribute (const char *attributeClassName, const char *value, IlAny checkData=0) const
 Applies attributes. More...
IlBoolean applyAttribute (const char *attributeClassName, IlFloat value, IlAny checkData=0) const
 Applies attributes. More...
IlBoolean applyAttribute (const char *attributeClassName, IlInt value, IlAny checkData=0) const
 Applies attributes. More...
virtual void applyResources (const char *storageName, const char *storageClassName, const char *objectName, const char *objectClassName, IlvDisplay *display=0)
 Applies resources on a graphic object. More...
virtual void callCallbacks (const IlSymbol *callbackType)
 Calls every callback of a given type. More...
const char * className () const
 Returns the class name of an object. More...
IlBoolean contains (const IlvPoint &p) const
 Checks whether a point is in the object. More...
virtual IlvGraphiccopy () const =0
 Copies this object. More...
void draw (IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t, const IlvRect *clip) const
 Draws a graphic object. More...
IlvGraphicCallback getCallback () const
 Gets the main callback function. More...
IlvGraphicCallback getCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType) const
 Gets a callback. More...
IlAny getCallbackData (const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName) const
 Gets a callback user data. More...
IlAny getCallbackData (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) const
 Gets a callback user data. More...
IlSymbolgetCallbackName () const
 Gets the symbol that identifies the main callback. More...
IlSymbolgetCallbackName (const IlSymbol *callbackType) const
 Gets the name of a callback. More...
virtual IlUInt getCallbackTypes (const char *const **names, const IlSymbol *const **types) const
 Gets the number of register callback types for the object. More...
virtual IlvGraphicgetChildAt (IlUInt index) const
 Returns the sub-object of the graphic object specified by index. More...
virtual IlvGraphicgetChildByName (const char *name) const
 Returns the sub-object of the graphic object specified by a name. More...
virtual IlUInt getChildCount () const
 Returns the number of children of this graphic object. More...
virtual IlInt getChildIndex (const IlvGraphic *object) const
 Returns the index of the specified sub-object in this graphic object. More...
virtual IlvGraphic *const * getChildren (IlUInt &count) const
 Returns an array containing the sub-objects of this graphic object. More...
virtual IlvClassInfogetClassInfo () const
 Gets class information. More...
IlAny getClassProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean checkParent=IlFalse) const
 Retrieves the indicated property value in the class of this object. More...
IlAny getClientData () const
 Gets client data. More...
virtual const char * getDefaultInteractor () const
 Gets the name of the default interactor for this object. More...
IlvInteractorgetInteractor () const
 Returns the interactor associated with the current object. More...
const char * getName () const
 Gets the name of the object. More...
IlvNamedPropertygetNamedProperty (const IlSymbol *name) const
 Gets a named property. More...
IlSymbolgetNextFocusGraphic () const
 Gets the next object in the focus chain. More...
IlSymbolgetPreviousFocusGraphic () const
 Gets the previous object in the focus chain. More...
IlAny getProperty (const IlSymbol *key) const
 Gets a property. More...
IlvSmartSetgetSmartSet () const
 Gets the smart set object containing this graphic object. More...
const IlSymbol *const * getTags (IlUInt &count) const
 Returns all the tags applied to this object. More...
IlvDim h () const
 Gets the height value of the object. More...
void h (IlvDim h)
 Sets the height value of the object. More...
IlBoolean hasCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName) const
 Checks whether a callback function is in a callback list. More...
IlBoolean hasCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) const
 Checks whether a callback function is in a callback list. More...
IlBoolean hasCallbackData (const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName) const
 Checks whether a callback function has user data. More...
IlBoolean hasCallbackData (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) const
 Checks whether a callback function has user data. More...
const IlvClassInfohasClassProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean s=IlFalse) const
 Checks for a class where the keyed property exists. More...
IlBoolean hasProperty (const IlSymbol *key) const
 Checks whether the object has a particular property. More...
IlBoolean hasTag (const IlSymbol *tag) const
 Checks whether the object has a specific tag. More...
IlBoolean inside (const IlvRect &r) const
 Determines whether a rectangle is inside the bounding box. More...
IlBoolean inside (const IlvRect &r, const IlvRect &tr, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Determines whether an object with transformation applied is inside the bounding box. More...
IlBoolean intersects (const IlvRect &r) const
 Checks whether a rectangle intersects the bounding box. More...
IlBoolean intersects (const IlvRect &r, const IlvRect &tr, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Checks whether a rectangle intersects the bounding box with transformation applied. More...
IlBoolean isFirstFocusGraphic () const
 Checks whether the object is first in the focus chain. More...
IlBoolean isFocusable () const
 Checks whether the object can receive the keyboard focus. More...
IlBoolean isInSmartSet () const
 Checks whether a graphic object belongs to a smart set. More...
IlBoolean isLastFocusGraphic () const
 Checks whether the object is last in the focus chain. More...
IlBoolean isSensitive () const
 Checks whether the object is sensitive. More...
IlBoolean isSubtypeOf (const char *parentClass) const
 Checks whether this object's class is a subclass of a given parent class. More...
IlBoolean isSubtypeOf (const IlvClassInfo *classInfo) const
 Checks whether this object's class is a subclass. More...
void move (const IlvPoint &p)
 Moves the graphic object. More...
virtual void move (IlvPos x, IlvPos y)
 Moves the graphic object. More...
void moveResize (const IlvRect &size)
 Moves and resizes a graphic object. More...
virtual IlBoolean needsInputContext () const
 Indicates whether the graphic instance can connect to an input method for locale dependent input. More...
virtual void print (std::ostream &out, int level=0) const
 Prints for debugging purposes. More...
void removeCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName)
 Removes a callback function from a callback list. More...
void removeCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback)
 Removes a callback function from a callback list. More...
IlBoolean removeClassProperty (const IlSymbol *key)
 Removes a property from this object's class. More...
void removeInteractor ()
 Removes the interactor from the current object. More...
IlvNamedPropertyremoveNamedProperty (IlSymbol *name)
 Removes a named property from the object. More...
IlBoolean removeProperty (const IlSymbol *key)
 Removes a property from the object. More...
void removeTag (const IlSymbol *tag)
 Removes a tag. More...
IlBoolean replaceClassProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value)
 Replaces a property in this object's class. More...
IlBoolean replaceProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value)
 Replaces a property. More...
virtual void resize (IlvDim newW, IlvDim newH)
 Resizes a graphic object. More...
virtual void rotate (const IlvPoint &center, IlFloat angle)
 Rotates a graphic object. More...
virtual void scale (IlFloat zoomX, IlFloat zoomY)
 Scales the graphic object. More...
void setCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName, const IlSymbol *script=0)
 Removes all previously set callbacks. More...
void setCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback)
 Sets a new callback. More...
void setCallback (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callbackName, IlAny data)
 Removes all previously set callbacks. More...
void setCallback (IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny data)
 Sets the main callback function. More...
void setCallbackData (const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny data)
 Sets the callback user data for a callback function. More...
void setCallbackData (const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny data)
 Sets the callback user data for a callback function. More...
void setCallbackName (const IlSymbol *callbackName)
 Sets the symbol that identifies the main callback. More...
void setClientData (IlAny clientData)
 Sets client data. More...
void setFirstFocusGraphic ()
 Sets the object to be first in the focus chain.
void setFocusable (IlBoolean value)
 Set the focusable state of the object. More...
IlBoolean setInteractor (const char *name)
 Attaches an interactor to this graphic object. More...
IlBoolean setInteractor (IlvInteractor *inter)
 Attaches an interactor to the current object. More...
void setLastFocusGraphic ()
 Sets the object to be last in the focus chain.
virtual void setName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the object. More...
IlvNamedPropertysetNamedProperty (IlvNamedProperty *property)
 Sets a named property on the object. More...
virtual void setNeedsInputContext (IlBoolean val)
 Specifies whether the graphic object should have locale dependent input. More...
void setNextFocusGraphic (IlSymbol *name)
 Sets the object to be next in the focus chain. More...
void setPreviousFocusGraphic (IlSymbol *name)
 Sets an object as previous in the focus chain. More...
void setProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value)
 Sets a property of the object to a value. More...
virtual void setSensitive (IlBoolean value)
 Sets the sensitivity of the object. More...
virtual void symmetry (IlvDirection axis)
 Flips a graphic object. More...
virtual void translate (IlvPos dx, IlvPos dy)
 Applies a transformation function on a graphic object. More...
IlvDim w () const
 Gets the width value of the object. More...
void w (IlvDim w)
 Sets the width value of the object. More...
virtual void write (IlvOutputFile &output) const =0
 Writes an object description to a file. More...
IlvPos x () const
 Gets the x coordinate value of the object. More...
void x (IlvPos x)
 Sets the x coordinate value of the object. More...
IlvPos y () const
 Gets the y coordinate value of the object. More...
void y (IlvPos y)
 Sets the y coordinate value of the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvValueInterface
virtual IlBoolean applyValue (const IlvValue &value)
 Apply an accessor. More...
virtual IlBoolean changeValue (const IlvValue &val)
 Changes the value of an accessor. More...
virtual IlBoolean changeValues (const IlvValue *values, IlUShort count=0)
 Changes several accessor values simultaneously. More...
virtual IlvValuequeryValue (IlvValue &val) const
 Retrieves an accessor value. More...
virtual void queryValues (IlvValue *values, IlUShort count) const
 Retrieves multiple accessor values simultaneously. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IlvGraphic
static void AddProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value)
 Adds a property to this object's class. More...
static void AddToCallbackTypeList (IlUInt &count, const char *const **names, const IlSymbol *const **types, const char *newName, const IlSymbol *newType)
 Adds a callback to a list. More...
static void AllowZoom (IlBoolean az)
 Sets or inhibits zooming. More...
static IlvClassInfoClassInfo () const
 Gets class information. More...
static IlAny GetProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean checkSuperClass=IlFalse)
 Retrieves the property value associated with the key in this object's class. More...
static const IlvClassInfoHasProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean checkSuperClass=IlFalse)
 Checks for the existence of a property for this object's class hierarchy. More...
static IlBoolean IsZoomAllowed ()
 Checks whether zoomable objects can display themselves when zooming out. More...
static IlvGraphicread (IlvInputFile &file, IlvPalette *palette)
 Reads an object description from a file. More...
static IlBoolean RemoveProperty (const IlSymbol *key)
 Removes a property from this object's class. More...
static IlBoolean ReplaceProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value)
 Replaces a property in this object's class. More...

Detailed Description

Graphic class.

Library: views

This section explains the concept of filtered objects. An IlvFilteredGraphic object is used to reference an IlvGraphic object. The IlvFilteredGraphic renders internally the referenced object, and then applies a bitmap filter on it.

See also
IlvBitmapFilter, IlvGraphicHandle

Accessors\nAccessors provide a scriptable and uniform way to inspect and modify an object by using its base class methods <tt>IlvValueInterface::queryValue()</tt>, <tt>IlvValueInterface::queryValues()</tt>, <tt>IlvValueInterface::changeValue()</tt>, <tt>IlvValueInterface::changeValues()</tt>.\n\n\nThis class inherits the accessors of its superclass \c IlvGraphicHandle and adds the following ones:

Name Type Equivalent methods
maximumSize UInt getMaximumSize(), setMaximumSize()
internalColor Color getInternalColor(), setInternalColor()
filterName String getFilterName(), setFilterName()
refreshMode RefreshMode getRefreshMode(), setRefreshMode()
displayMode DisplayMode getDisplayMode(), setDisplayMode()

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ DisplayMode

This enumeration defines the possible values for the display mode.

See also
IlvFilteredGraphic::setDisplayMode, IlvFilteredGraphic::getDisplayMode.

The filtered graphic is displayed. This mode is the default display mode.


The referenced graphic is displayed.

◆ RefreshMode

This enumeration defines the possible values for the refresh mode.

See also
IlvFilteredGraphic::setRefreshMode(), IlvFilteredGraphic::getRefreshMode().

The filtered graphic is recomputed only if requested.


The filtered graphic is recomputed for each transformation request.

This is the default refresh mode.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IlvFilteredGraphic()

IlvFilteredGraphic::IlvFilteredGraphic ( IlvDisplay display,
IlvGraphic object,
const IlString filter = "",
IlBoolean  owner = IlFalse 


Initializes a new IlvFilteredGraphic.

displayThe display.
objectThe referenced object.
filterThe name of the filter flow to apply.
ownerMust be set to IlTrue to make the handle object the owner of the referenced object.

◆ ~IlvFilteredGraphic()

virtual IlvFilteredGraphic::~IlvFilteredGraphic ( )


The destructor releases all the memory used by the instance. It unlocks the filter.

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyTransform()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::applyTransform ( const IlvTransformer t)

Applies a transformation.

tThe transformer that is applied to the referenced graphic object by calling its IlvGraphic::applyTransform() member function.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ boundingBox()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::boundingBox ( IlvRect bbox,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const

Retrieves the bounding box of the graphic object.

Sets bbox, the rectangle reference parameter, to be the bounding box of the object. Since the object can appear within a transformed environment (for example, in a multiview editor), an IlvTransformer object occurs as an optional parameter in order to compute the bounding box in the coordinate system of the transformed environment.

bboxThe bounding box to be set.
tA transformer value or 0 if there is no transformation.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ computeBitmapData()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::computeBitmapData ( const IlvTransformer t = 0)

Computes the filtered bitmap data.

tThe transformer to use.

◆ contains()

virtual IlBoolean IlvFilteredGraphic::contains ( const IlvPoint p,
const IlvPoint tp,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const

Checks whether a point is in the object.

Checks whether the coordinates are located in the shape of this object. A transformation parameter allows you to use the view's coordinate system for this test.

pThe point to be tested.
tpThe transformed point obtained by applying the transformer t to the point p.
tA transformer value, or 0 if there is no transformation.
IlTrue when the point p lies inside the outline of the object.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ draw()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::draw ( IlvPort dst,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const

Draws the graphic object.

Draws the object in the given IlvPort using the transformer t.

dstThe destination port this object is drawn onto.
tThe transformer value. If 0, no transformation is performed.
clipThe clipping region, relative to the transformed object, or 0 if none.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ getDisplayMode()

DisplayMode IlvFilteredGraphic::getDisplayMode ( ) const

Returns the display mode.

The display mode.

◆ getFilterFlow()

IlvFilterFlow* IlvFilteredGraphic::getFilterFlow ( ) const

Returns the filter flow used.

The filter flow used.

◆ getFilterName()

const IlString& IlvFilteredGraphic::getFilterName ( ) const

Returns the name of the filter used.

The name of the filter used.

◆ getInternalBitmapData()

const IlvBitmapData* IlvFilteredGraphic::getInternalBitmapData ( ) const

Returns the internal filtered bitmap data.

The internal filtered bitmap data.

◆ getInternalColor()

IlvColor* IlvFilteredGraphic::getInternalColor ( ) const

Returns the color used internally to compute the mask from the object.

The internal color.

◆ getMaximumSize()

IlUInt IlvFilteredGraphic::getMaximumSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum dimension of the internal bitmap.

The maximum dimension.

◆ getRefreshMode()

RefreshMode IlvFilteredGraphic::getRefreshMode ( ) const

Returns the refresh mode.

The refresh mode.

◆ inside()

virtual IlBoolean IlvFilteredGraphic::inside ( const IlvRegion r,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const

Determines whether an object with transformation applied is inside the bounding box.

Determines whether an object with transformation applied is inside the bounding box.

rThe region to be tested.
tA transformer value, or 0 if there is no transformation.
IlTrue when the object, drawn with the transformer t, covers completely the region r. This member function returns IlFalse when this is not the case. That means that it returns IlTrue if all rectangles that define the region completely lie inside the object.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ intersects()

virtual IlBoolean IlvFilteredGraphic::intersects ( const IlvRegion r,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const

Checks whether a region intersects the bounding box with transformation applied.

Checks whether a region intersects the bounding box with transformation applied.

rThe region to be tested.
tA transformer value, or 0 if there is no transformation.
IlTrue when the region r overlaps the transformed object (if t is not 0) and IlFalse when this is not the case.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ invert()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::invert ( IlBoolean  temp = IlFalse)

Highlights the object.

Highlights the object. It is implemented as swapping the foreground and background colors of the object, but can have other implementations in derived subclasses. The parameter temp controls the way you toggle between the background and the foreground. If temp is omitted or is IlFalse, then a new palette is computed by calling the IlvDisplay::getPalette() method. If temp is IlTrue, the object palette is inverted, and thus all the objects referencing this palette will be affected.

tempIf IlTrue, highlights the object.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ isInvalid()

IlBoolean IlvFilteredGraphic::isInvalid ( ) const

Returns whether the internal filtered graphic is invalid.

IlTrue if the internal filtered graphic is invalid.

◆ setAntialiasingMode()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setAntialiasingMode ( IlvAntialiasingMode  mode)

Sets the anti-aliasing mode of the object.

modeThe new anti-aliasing mode.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setArcMode()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setArcMode ( IlvArcMode  mode)

Sets the arc mode of the object.

modeThe new arc mode.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setBackground()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setBackground ( IlvColor background)

Sets the background color of the object.

Sets the background color of the object.

backgroundThe new background color.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setColorPattern()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setColorPattern ( IlvColorPattern pattern)

Sets the color pattern of the object.

Sets the color pattern of the object.

patternThe new color pattern.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setDisplayMode()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::setDisplayMode ( DisplayMode  mode)

Sets the display mode.

modeThe new display mode.
See also

◆ setFillRule()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setFillRule ( IlvFillRule  rule)

Sets the fill rule of the object.

ruleThe new fill rule.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setFillStyle()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setFillStyle ( IlvFillStyle  style)

Sets the fill style of the object.

styleThe new fill style.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setFilterFlow()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::setFilterFlow ( IlvFilterFlow flow)

Sets the filter flow used.

flowThe new filter flow.

◆ setFilterName()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::setFilterName ( const IlString filter)

Sets the filter name to be used.

filterThe new name of the filter.

◆ setFont()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setFont ( IlvFont font)

Sets the font of the object.

fontThe new font.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setForeground()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setForeground ( IlvColor foreground)

Sets the foreground color of the object.

Sets the foreground color of the object.

foregroundThe new foreground color.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setGradientPattern()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setGradientPattern ( IlvGradientPattern pattern)

Sets the gradient pattern of the object.

Sets the gradient pattern of the object.

patternThe new gradient pattern.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setInternalColor()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::setInternalColor ( IlvColor color)

Sets the color used internally to compute the mask from the object.

colorThe new color.

◆ setLineStyle()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setLineStyle ( IlvLineStyle style)

Sets the line style of the object.

styleThe new line style.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setLineWidth()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setLineWidth ( IlUShort  width)

Sets the line width of the object.

widthThe new line width.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setMaximumSize()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::setMaximumSize ( IlUInt  size)

Sets the maximum dimension of the internal bitmap.

sizeThe maximum dimension.

◆ setMode()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setMode ( IlvDrawMode  mode)

Sets the drawing mode of the object temporarily.

Changing the IlvDrawMode attribute of an object is considered a temporary operation. You have to set the mode to its default value when you no longer need another mode different from the value IlvModeSet. The drawing mode information is passed to the palette of the graphic object (see the IlvPalette::setOverwrite() method for more details).

modeThe drawing mode to be set.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setOverwrite()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setOverwrite ( IlBoolean  over)

Sets an overwrite mode that modifies how the drawing member functions operate.

Modifies the way the drawing member functions operate. The information is passed to the palette of the graphic object (see the IlvPalette::setOverwrite() method for more details).

overIf IlFalse, sets selective hidden drawing operations.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setPalette()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setPalette ( IlvPalette palette)

Sets the palette of the object.

Each of the graphic properties of this object is then taken from this IlvPalette instance.

paletteThe palette to be set.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setPattern()

virtual void IlvFilteredGraphic::setPattern ( IlvPattern pattern)

Sets the pattern of the object.

Sets the pattern of the object.

patternThe new pattern.

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.

◆ setRefreshMode()

void IlvFilteredGraphic::setRefreshMode ( RefreshMode  mode)

Sets the refresh mode.

modeThe new refresh mode.
See also

◆ zoomable()

virtual IlBoolean IlvFilteredGraphic::zoomable ( ) const

Checks whether this object is zoomable.

IlTrue if the graphic object can be zoomed, and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
IsZoomAllowed(), AllowZoom().

Reimplemented from IlvGraphicHandle.