Foundation > Printing in Rogue Wave Views
Printing in Rogue Wave Views
Rogue Wave® Views provides a framework for printing. This framework consists of the following classes:
*The IlvPrintableDocument Class describes a document, that is, a list of printable objects associated with page layouts.
*The IlvPrintable Class describes a printable object, various subclasses deal with printing containers, manager views, text, and so forth.
*The IlvPrintableLayout Class describes the page layout of the document using predefined areas such as background, foreground, header, and footer. Predefined layouts allow printing on one or multiple pages, or identity layouts.
*The IlvPrinter Class describes the printer and its physical characteristics such as paper format, margins, color or grayscale capabilities, and page orientation.
*The IlvPrintUnit Class describes a printing unit and allows conversion of various units such as Pica, Centimeter, Inches, and Points.
*The IlvPaperFormat Class describes physical paper formats such as A4, Letter, and so forth.
*The Dialogs section describes the user interface dialogs provided by Rogue Wave Views for choosing printer and printer characteristics. A print preview dialog is also available in the Gadgets package.

Version 6.0
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