Foundation > Printing in Rogue Wave Views > The IlvPrintableDocument Class
The IlvPrintableDocument Class
The IlvPrintableDocument class manages a list of printable objects. It uses iterators to sequence through the printable objects. It provides a default layout, but each printable can specify its own layout.
Multiple copies of the document can be printed using two modes:
*The whole document is printed n times.
*Each page is printed n times, then the next page is printed.
Iterators are instances of the inner class IlvPrintableDocument::Iterator. The most used are returned by the following IlvPrintableDocument methods:
*begin() const;
*end() const; iterators are then used like any other variable.
IlvPrintableDocument document;
// add some printables to the document
document.append(new IlvPrintableContainer(container);
// the iterate through the printables
IlvPrintableDocument::Iterator begin = document.begin();
IlvPrintableDocument::Iterator end = document.end();
for (IlvPrintableDocument::Iterator iter = document.begin();
iter != end;
++iter) {
// do something with the printable.
IlvPrintable* printable = iter.getPrintable();

Version 6.0
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