This manual provides conceptual and hands-on information for developing applications that incorporate Rogue Wave® Views Foundation. It describes the fundamentals that underlie Rogue Wave® Views graphic objects and shows how to create and use graphic objects.
This manual contains the following chapters:
*Introducing Rogue Wave Views Foundation provides an overview of Rogue Wave Views Foundation.
*Graphic Objects describes the concept of a graphic object and explains the use of the many classes derived from the IlvGraphic class.
*Graphic Resources describes the resource and palette classes that define the appearance of graphic objects and text.
*Graphic Formats describes the vectorial and bitmap formats available with Rogue Wave Views.
*Image Processing Filters shows the subclasses of IlvBitmapFilter that allow you to process your bitmap images in various ways, such as combining two images with a selection of filters.
*The Display System provides information on IlvDisplay, Rogue Wave Views’ basic class for connection to the display system.
*Drawing Ports describes the IlvPort base class.
*Views explains the concept of a view or visual display area as used in Rogue Wave Views.
*Containers explains how to use containers to provide efficient display and behavior of graphic objects in applications.
*Dynamic Modules contains information about creating and loading a dynamic library or DLL.
*Events contains information on the classes that implement event loops.
*IlvNamedProperty: The Persistent Properties Class explains how to associate application-dependent data with Rogue Wave Views objects.
*Printing in Rogue Wave Views explains how to use the Rogue Wave Views printing framework to define printer, document, and paper formats and other printing controls.
*Rogue Wave Script Programming explains how to use Rogue Wave Script, the Rogue Wave Views high-level scripting language.
*Internationalization explains how to develop localized language versions of Rogue Wave Views applications.
The appendixes provide auxiliary and reference information as follows:
*Packaging Rogue Wave Views Applications describes the ilv2data tool for packaging your applications with Rogue Wave Views.
*Using Rogue Wave Views on Microsoft Windows discusses requirements and give tips on interfacing Rogue Wave Views with Microsoft Windows.
*Using Rogue Wave Views on X Window Systems discusses requirements and give tips on interfacing Rogue Wave Views with the X Window system.
*Portability Limitations discusses the system-dependent aspects of Rogue Wave Views Foundation that may limit portability across multiple platforms.
*Error Messages lists the error messages that Rogue Wave Views Foundation may generate and discusses possible causes and workarounds.
*Rogue Wave Script Language Reference is a reference for the syntax of Rogue Wave Script.

Version 6.0
Copyright © 2015, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.