Foundation > Dynamic Modules
Dynamic Modules
A dynamic module is composed of a set of object files that are contained in a shared library (also called a dynamic link library or DLL). Rogue Wave® Views is able to load dynamically, on the fly and at run time, a dynamic module that lets you define new classes, and therefore provide more functionality to a running program.
Typically, dynamic modules are used when files are read. For example, if a data file contains a reference to an IlvGraphic subclass that the application reading the file does not expect, Rogue Wave Views generates an error message and stops reading the file immediately. With dynamic modules, Rogue Wave Views can load the code that defines this class and make it available in a dynamic way.
For details on using dynamic modules, see:
*IlvModule: The Dynamic Module Class
*Building a Dynamic Module
*Loading a Dynamic Module
*An Example: Dynamic Access

Version 6.0
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