Foundation > Internationalization
Rogue Wave® Views allows users to develop international versions of software. You will find information on:
*What is i18n? is a brief introduction to internationalization.
*Checklist for Localized Environments lists the requirements for success in creating and running your programs. Further topics detail requirements for locales, fonts, and localized message database files. A Troubleshooting checklist gives some problem-solving techniques if localized messages do not appear on your system during the development phase.
*Using Rogue Wave Views with Far Eastern Languages describes special considerations for multibyte character languages.
*Data Input Requirements
*Limitations of Internationalization Features
*There is a Reference: Encoding Listings of the encodings supported by Rogue Wave Views and extensive tables in Reference: Supported Locales on Different Platforms
Note: This chapter explains how to use Rogue Wave Views internationalization features. To learn how to write internationalized software, you should refer to general books on the subject.

Version 6.0
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