Foundation > Internationalization > Localized Message Database Files in Rogue Wave Views
Localized Message Database Files in Rogue Wave Views
Rogue Wave® Views uses message database files (.dbm files) for the message text, menu item text, and other text that appears in the user interface. These files are described in detail in the following topics:
*The IlvMessageDatabase Class describes the class mechanism for localization.
*For localization, the message database files must be translated into the local language as described in Language of the Message Database Files.
*The files must also be located in the proper directory so that Rogue Wave Views can find the files when it needs to load the message database. For details see Location of the Message Database Files.
*Determining Parameters of the Message Database Files provides a short program to find the locale, language and location of the message database files.
*Loading the Message Database discusses automatic loading of the default language and gives various methods of overriding the default language to load another language.
*The .dbm File Format describes the format of the message database files and how to handle old (pre-3.0) formatted files.
*You can change the language on the fly with setCurrentLanguage as described in How to Dynamically Change Your Display Language.

Version 6.0
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