Foundation > Printing in Rogue Wave Views > The IlvPrintable Class
The IlvPrintable Class
IlvPrintable is an abstract class that provides a base for describing objects that can be printed. Its is associated with a printable job that contains the printing parameters for a given job.
A printable can be described by subclassing the following methods:
*public virtual IlvRect getBBox(IlvPrintableJob const& job) const = 0;
*protected virtual IlBoolean internalPrint(IlvPrintableJob const& job) const = 0;
A few subclasses of IlvPrintable are available:
*IlvPrintableContainer encapsulates an instance of IlvContainer.
// declares a printable using the given region of a container.
// if the rectangle is null then the whole container is printed.
IlvPrintableContainer* printcont = new IlvPrintableContainer(container,
*IlvPrintableText allows printing of text. An alignment parameter can be specified.
// declares a printable using a simple text.
IlvPrintableText* printtext = new IlvPrintableText
"This is a text",
*IlvPrintableFormattedText allows printing of text with various predefined attributes. Each Conversion specification is introduced by the character %. The following attributes are defined:
The index of the page will be printed.
The total number of pages will be printed.
The document name will be printed.
The year will be printed.
The month will be printed numerically.
The day of the month will be printed.
The hour of the day (0-24) will be printed.
The hour will be printed.
The minute will be printed.
The second will be printed.
The AM/PM indicator will be printed in upper case.
The am/pm indicator will be printed in lower case.
You may still print %p codes by replacing them with %\p.
// declares a printable formated text
IlvPrintableFormattedText* printftext = new
"%N : (Page %p/%P - %d/%M/%y - %h:%m:s)");
*IlvPrintableGraphic encapsulates an instance of IlvGraphic. Any IlvGraphic object can be printed.
// declares a printable graphic
IlvGraphic* ellipse = new IlvFilledEllipse(display,
IlvRect(0, 0, 100, 50));
IlvPrintableGraphic* printgraphic = new IlvPrintableGraphic(ellipse);
*IlvPrintableFrame encapsulates a simple rectangle.
// declares a printable frame
IlvPrintableFrame* printframe = new IlvPrintableFrame
*IlvPrintableManager, IlvPrintableMgrView, and IlvPrintableManagerLayer (available only with the manager package) allow a whole manager, a manager view, or a manager layer, respectively, to be printed.
*IlvPrintableComposite allows you to define a printable as a composition of printables.

Version 6.0
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