Perforce JViews Framework sample gallery

How to run the samples is explained in the starting the samples page.

Basic Samples (SDK)

Creating Graphics Objects

This sample shows a view containing one instance of each class in the JViews graphic package. The class name for each object type is listed next to the object.
To make code more readable, most JViews samples read the data necessary to create graphers from JViews .ivl files. This sample shows the Java code necessary to create JViews graphics objects. In this sample graphic objects are created by calling the NewGraphics.addGraphicObjects() method.
In addition to standard JViews graphics types, a custom graphic object is defined and displayed in this sample. The MyZoomableReliefLabel class demonstrates how to create your own unique graphics types.

Swing Components in a Manager

This sample shows the integration of Swing JComponent objects into a JViews manager. Components are embedded in a IlvJComponentGraphic graphic object.

Drag and Drop

This sample includes the code to drag and drop an IlvGraphic object from one IlvManager to another. You are shown how to incorporate the Java 2 drag-and-drop mechanism with JViews to add drag-and-drop capabilities in your custom applications.

Extending Java 2D Primitives

This sample contains code showing how to extend Java 2D objects such as Paint and Stroke, add new drawing capabilities to Java 2D objects, integrate new Java 2D objects into Perforce JViews code and manage object persistency.

Grapher Samples

Connection Points

This simple sample shows the following:

An IlvGrapher instance or grapher is a data structure used to display any type of network.



This sample shows how to implement various accessibility features when displaying a manager.


Animation and Triple Buffering

This sample displays a manager with a background map of the world. On top of the map, animated objects representing planes journeys are displayed. Above the plans, there are also semi-transparent clouds.
The background map is drawn using triple buffering. The cloud layer is cached in this demo. Using these techniques the complexity of the map and the clouds does not affect the redrawing time.


SVG and IVL Format Converters

This sample shows how to save a Perforce JViews display to a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) file, and how recognized elements of a SVG file are translated into Perforce JViews graphic objects.
SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML. The W3C Recommendation of the SVG language specification can be found at

Reading a DXF File

This sample shows how to read DXF files in Perforce JViews.

Reading an SVG File

This simple sample shows how to use the IlvMagnifyInteractor class to magnify an area of a Perforce JViews IlvManager instance that has been filled with contents imported from a file in Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) format.

Web Deployment with JavaServer Faces

Basic Manager (JSF and JavaScript)

This sample shows how to bind a manager view to a Perforce JViews JSF component.

Other Web Deployment

Basic Grapher (Servlet & DHTML)

The "XML Grapher" sample shows how to build a Thin Client web application.

Some web applications require that client applications in the web browser stay very light, and that most of the functionality is implimented in the server. The SVG thin-client support in Perforce JViews allows you to create such light web client applications easily.

Use the power of the Perforce JViews class library to build complex two-dimensional representations running on the Web server and Perforce JViews SVG thin-client support to display and interact with images created by the server on your web browser.

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