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Getting started > Introducing JViews Gantt > How JViews Gantt can help you
How JViews Gantt can help you
Describes the different features furnished by JViews Gantt, the added value these features give to you and their typical uses.
*Charts for planning and scheduling
*Describes the use of various types of charts for planning and scheduling.
*The added value of JViews Gantt
*Describes the benefits of using JViews Gantt.
*Time and activity charts in JViews Gantt
*Explains how JViews Gantt provides support for creating, viewing, and editing activity and resource oriented Gantt charts.
*Main features of JViews Gantt
*Describes the main features of JViews Gantt.
*Typical uses of JViews Gantt
*Describes typical uses of JViews Gantt.

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