Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > New Features > State System

JTGO defines a default look and feel which maps secondary states in business objects to decorations like icons, gauges, charts or counters. This default configuration can now be customized through properties set in ilog.tgo.resource.IltSettings.

The association between Bellcore secondary states or OSI statuses and their graphic representation is now configurable. Each secondary state can have three different representations, depending on the primary state of the object: Out of Service (OOS), Carrying no Traffic (NT) or Carrying Traffic (CT).

The configuration of the state representation is now done through the method IltSettings.SetValue as illustrated below:

IltSettings.SetValue("Bellcore.SecState.Blocked.OOS.Icon", IltrImage.Blocked);
IltSettings.SetValue("OSI.Procedural.Reporting.CT.Icon", IltrImage.Reporting);

The same principle is also valid for SONET, SNMP, SAN, Performance and Misc states:

IltSettings.SetValue("Misc.SecState.DoorAjar.Icon", null);
IltSettings.SetValue("SONET.Protection.Exercise.Icon, IltrImage.Exercisor);
IltSettings.SetValue("SNMP.Interface.Input.Gauge", new IltGaugeMapping(gauge1, gauge2));
IltSettings.SetValue("SNMP.Interface.Input.Type", IltDecorationType.Gauge);