Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > New Features > Alarm System

The alarm system has been improved with the following new features:

Impact Alarms

JTGO 4.0 introduces a new category of alarms, called impact alarms, which differ from existing raw alarms. Whereas raw alarms have a severity of type IltAlarm.Severity, impact alarms have a severity of type IltAlarm.ImpactSeverity. Without any further mention, the term `alarm' encompasses both raw and impact alarms.

New methods have been added to IltAlarm.State. Existing methods have been modified to access the specific raw and impact alarm counts, and the overall alarm counts. These API changes are detailed in Object State.

The following new business attributes have been added to IltObject for impact alarm counts:

Predefined Alarm Business Object

A predefined business object for individual alarms has been created. It is embodied by the class IltAlarm.

Loss of Connectivity

JTGO 4.0 provides a new graphic representation for the alarm state Loss of Connectivity. The previous graphic representation is still valid and used by default. The new graphic representation is customized using the following CSS properties: