Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > New Features > Link Bundles

The link bundle representation has been improved and can now be customized through XML and CSS.

The link bundle object is a link container. It is represented in its collapsed form as a link object whose attributes can be set through XML as illustrated below:

<addObject id="Link7">
  <attribute name="name">1</attribute>
  <attribute name="media">null</attribute>
  <link>   <from>Oslo</from>   <to>Berlin</to>  </link> 
  <attribute name="objectState" javaClass="ilog.tgo.model.IltSONETObjectState">
<addObject id="Link8">
  <attribute name="name">2</attribute>
  <attribute name="media">null</attribute>
  <link>   <from>Oslo</from>   <to>Berlin</to>  </link> 
  <attribute name="objectState" javaClass="ilog.tgo.model.IltSONETObjectState">
<addObject id="linkBundle78">
  <attribute name="objectState" javaClass="ilog.tgo.model.IltSONETObjectState">

Besides, the overview representation can also be customized through CSS as a normal link object using all the powerful features available in the CSS configuration:

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLinkBundle" {
  forcedWidth: 10;
#linkBundle1 {
  foreground: blue;

When the link bundle is expanded, all the links contained in this object are displayed. In the expanded representation, the link bundle can be customized to indicate the distance between the inner links in the following way:

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLinkBundle" {
  linkDistance: 5;


Figure 3.10 Collapsed Link Bundle


Figure 3.11 Expanded Link Bundle