
The Network JSF component provides support for tiling. The tiling support consists of providing developers with the ability of configuring the Network JSF component to compute, cache and provide on demand only the areas of its graphical representation that are visible to the client at one given time, instead of computing and providing the entire area of the graphical representation that may not be visible to the client.
The tiling support provided by the JViews TGO Network JSF component is based on the tiling support by the underlying JViews JSF Framework. Any difference in the default behavior as defined in the JViews JSF Framework documentation is documented in this section.


Tiled view

See Concepts in Advanced Features of JViews Framework for an introduction to the use of tiling for building Web applications.
To make tiling available in the view, you must specify a tile size. The tile size is a critical parameter and must be chosen with care. See Tile Size in Advanced Features of JViews Framework.
<jvtf:networkView [...] tileSize="256"/>

Server-side caching

When the view is tiled, a server-side caching mechanism for tiles of static layers can be installed by using the tileManager property. No server-side caching mechanism is installed by default.
<jvtf:networkView tileManager="#{tgoBean.tileManager}" [...]/>
See The Tile Manager in Advanced Features of JViews Framework for more information.

Client-side caching

In order to enable the client-side caching mechanism, the zoomLevels attribute must be set. When this attribute is set, the client caches the tiles for the predefined zoom levels. See Zoom constraints for details on how to set the predefined zoom levels.




The IltFacesGraphServletSupport determines the JViews TGO specific tiling behavior at the server-side level. By default, it uses as the static layers all the IlvManagerLayer instances that compose the background of your Network JSF component. For more information on backgrounds, see Background support.
If a custom strategy is needed for computing the tiled layers, see Developing server-side tiling which gives more information on the relevant server-side API that is need to customize the default behavior.