Welcome to Rogue Wave JViews TGO!
Rogue Wave® JViews TGO is a suite of graphic components that includes all the views and business models required for building standard, effective and intuitive user interfaces dedicated to Service, Network and Equipment management systems used by Communication Service Providers.
Operations Support Systems (OSS) for the communications industry depend on highly sophisticated user interfaces. Developing and fine-tuning the user interfaces requires graphics and human factors experts. It is also highly time-consuming, thus increasing the cost and time to market of new network technologies and services.
Rogue Wave JViews TGO simplifies sophisticated communications user-interface development by providing a full set of high-level Java components that includes tree, table, equipment and network views, as well as predefined telecom objects and models for detailed equipment, network and service displays. With ready-to-use components and a standard look and feel, Rogue Wave JViews TGO cuts the user interface development cost by up to 80 %, therefore boosting the time to market of new services and new network technologies. For more than a decade, JViews has been setting standards with its graphic components. Rogue Wave JViews TGO benefits from years of expertise in communications and human factors. All Java developers can benefit from this expertise and integrate seamlessly the Rogue Wave JViews TGO graphic components into their application. Rogue Wave JViews TGO is the industry de-facto standard look and feel and complies with recommendations from standard bodies like the TMF and the ITU.
Main features
Equipment component:
Monitor, configure and inventory hardware with realistic views.
of an equipment component
Network component:
Monitor network element performance and end-to-end quality of service.
of a network component
Table component:
Browse alarms, call and IP data records, as well as network and service inventories.
of a table component
Tree component:
Navigate from customers to services, to network elements and equipment details.
of a tree component
Web or Java components:
Each component can be used to build cross-platform applications in Java, and both the Network and Equipment components can be deployed as thin web clients to an Internet browser without any Java Virtual Machine (JVM).