Creating new Performance secondary states

The Performance State Dictionary provides secondary state values that can be used to complement OSI, Bellcore, SNMP, or SONET standards. The secondary states included in this dictionary can be used to model and represent any state with a numeric value. For information on the dictionary and its graphical representation, refer to
You can create your own performance secondary state, and configure how new and existing secondary states are graphically represented in your objects.

How to create new Performance secondary states (using the API)

Performance secondary states are created using IltPerformance.NewSecState , as follows.
IltPerformance.SecState state =
      "Measures the elapsed time between a request and response operations.");

NewSecState takes two arguments. The first one is a name that identifies the new performance state in the application. The name must comply with the rule Performance.SecState.<value> . For example, when a new state is created with name Performance.SecState.ResponseTime , it is referred to in XML files in the following way:
<performance state="ResponseTime">33.2</performance>
The second argument is a description. This description is used as a tooltip to display more information about the performance state represented in a business object. To activate the tooltip support for secondary states, see Customizing tooltips.
NewSecState returns an instance of IltPerformance.SecState, that you can use in exactly the same way as the predefined Performance secondary states.
Once a new performance secondary state has been created, you need to configure its graphical representation. See Customizing Performance secondary states for more information.

How to create new Performance secondary states (using CSS)

You can create new Performance secondary states using global CSS settings:
Settings {
   performance: true;
Performance {
   states[0]: @+perf0;
Subobject#perf0 {
  class: 'ilog.tgo.model.IltPerformance$SecState';
  name: "Performance.SecState.ResponseTime";