Customizing tooltips

Properties for customizing tooltips

The following properties are used to customize tooltips.
CSS properties for tooltips
Property Name
Type of Value
IlvGraphic or JComponent
If the value is other than null , the given graphic object is used as the tooltip. If the value is null , the tooltip will be a simple string as configured by the toolTipText property.
Tooltip text for the object, used only if toolTipGraphic is null . If the values of this property and the toolTipGraphic property are both null , no tooltip is displayed.
null (the default tooltip font defined in the Java™ environment is used)
Defines the font to be used when creating text tooltips.
null (the default tooltip foreground color defined in the Java environment is used)
Defines the foreground color to be used when creating text tooltips.
null (the default tooltip background color defined in the Java environment is used)
Defines the background color to be used when creating text tooltips.

How to customize a tooltip

The following example is valid for network nodes and links, equipment nodes and links, and tree nodes:
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject" {
  toolTipText: @name;

How to customize tooltips with a specific font

The following example shows you how to customize your component to display tooltips with a specific font on the objects:
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject" {
  toolTipText: @name;
  toolTipFont: "arial-plain-12";

How to create a multiline tooltip

The value of the tooltip string is rendered by default in a single line of text. If you want a multiline tooltip or you use fonts with different styles, you can prefix the string with the tag <HTML> and then use HTML notation for text attributes. For example, the tooltip shown in A two-line tooltip with different font styles uses the following string:
<HTML>A <b>simple</b> tool tip<br>with <u>two</u> lines</HTML>
A two-line tooltip with different font styles
The following example shows how to obtain this result:
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject" {
  toolTipText: "<HTML>A <b>simple</b> tool tip<br>with <u>two</u> lines</

How to create a graphic tooltip

You can also customize tooltips that are IlvGraphic or JComponent instances. Graphic tooltips are customized in CSS through the property ' toolTipGraphic ' as follows:
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject" {
  toolTipGraphic: @+myToolTip;

Subobject#myToolTip {
  class: 'ilog.views.graphic.IlvIcon';
  image: '@|image("question.png")';
This example creates a graphic tooltip that displays an icon. The icon graphic is created by the styling engine as a JavaBean™. For details, see How to Create a New JavaBean Dynamically.

How to customize a tooltip for a table cell

In the table component, you can customize tooltips for an entire row as explained in previous sections, or you can specify tooltips for a specific table cell. The following example shows how to specify tooltips for table cells that represent network element objects and the family attribute.
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement/family" {
  toolTipText: @family;

How to customize a tooltip for a specific decoration

In the network and equipment components, you can customize tooltips for an entire object as explained in previous sections, or you can specify tooltips for a specific decoration. A decoration is created to graphically represent an attribute of the business object. Customizing tooltips for a specific decoration is accomplished by defining CSS selectors for business attributes. In the following example, network elements are customized in a way that their label is truncated when its width is larger than 50. Besides, a tooltip is defined for the 'name' attribute displaying the full value of the attribute over the label decoration so that you can still see the full name of the object.
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement" {
  label: @name;
  labelWrappingMode: Truncate;
  labelWrappingWidth: 50;

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement/name" {
  toolTipText: @name;
The following CSS file is provided as part of the JViews TGO demonstration software at <installdir> /samples/network/decoration.
It illustrates how to define graphic tooltips for a specific business attribute.

How to customize tooltips for secondary states in predefined business objects

In the network and equipment components, you can specify that tooltips are to be displayed for secondary states. A tooltip will be automatically retrieved for each secondary state that is displayed in the business object graphic representation.
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject/objectState" {
  toolTipGraphic: @+SecStateModifierToolTipGraphic;
#SecStateModifierToolTipGraphic {
  class: 'ilog.tgo.graphic.IltSecStateModifierToolTipGraphic';
The tooltip graphic displays the description of the state. This description is defined when the state is created. For all the predefined states, the description can be modified in the JViews TGO resource bundle file. For states that you have created using the API, specify the state description as argument when creating the new state.