CSS recursion

You may want to specify a Java object as the value of a declaration. A simple convention allows you to recurse in the style sheet; that is, to define a new Java object which has the same style sheet, but is unrelated to the current model.
Prefix the value with @# to create a new JavaBean dynamically.

How to Create a New JavaBean Dynamically

object."Alarm/creationTime" {
    toolTipText: "@#tooltipFormatBean";
    label: @creationTime;
Subobject#toolTipFormatBean {
    pattern: "HH:mm:ss z";
The @# operator extends the current data model by adding a dummy model object as the child of the current object. The object ID of the dummy object is the remainder of the string, beyond the @# operator. The type of the dummy object is Subobject . The dummy object inherits CSS classes and attributes from its parent.
The CSS engine creates and customizes a new subobject according to the declarations it finds for the dummy object. This means, in particular, that the Java class of the subobject is determined by the value of the class property. The newly created subobject becomes the value of the @# expression. In the declarations for the subobject, attribute references through the @ operator refer to the attributes of the parent object.
Once the subobject is completed, the previous model is restored, so that normal processing is resumed.
In the example, an IlpSimpleDateFormat object is created, with the pattern property set to HH:mm:ss z , and is assigned to the toolTipText property of the object.
There are two refinements to the @#ID operator:
  • @=ID
    Using @=ID instead of @#ID shares the instance. The first time the declaration is resolved, the object is created as with the @# operator. But for all subsequent access to the same value, @=ID returns the same instance, the one created the first time and without applying the CSS rules.
  • @+ID
    Using @+ID instead of @#ID avoids unnecessary creation of objects. The CSS engine first checks whether the property value corresponding to the declaration is defined and not null . If the property value is defined, this current value is customized directly using the rules for the #ID operator, deliberately ignoring any class declaration. If it is not defined, the operator behaves exactly as with the @# operator. In this case, the operator creates the property value only when required and customizes it in all cases.
The need for these refinements arises from a performance issue. The @# operator creates a new object each time a declaration is resolved. Usually, a declaration is applied when properties change. Under certain circumstances, the creation of objects may lead to expensive processing. These optional mechanisms minimize the creation of objects.