Customizing various aspects of alarms

Customizing severities

For information on how to customize the colors and labels associated with alarm severities, refer to Customizing alarm severities .

Customizing probable causes

The predefined probable causes provided in Rogue Wave® JViews TGO are those defined in the OSS/J Quality of Service APIs.
Probable causes may be created using the Java™ API, or dynamically while feeding an XML stream into a data source.

How to create a new probable cause using the Java API

In the following code, a new probable cause is created for the numeric value 600.
IltAlarm.ProbableCause probableCause = new IltAlarm.ProbableCause(600);
To see how to set a representation for the new probable cause, refer to How to change the representation of a probable cause.

How to create a new probable cause dynamically from an XML stream

The following XML stream extract sets the probable cause for an alarm to 600. If the probable cause did not exist previously in the data source, it is created dynamically.
<addObject id="alarm 1">
  <attribute name="probableCause">600</attribute>
  <!-- ... -->
To see how to set a representation for the new probable cause, refer to How to change the representation of a probable cause.

How to change the representation of a probable cause

In the following CSS code, the label for the probable cause with the numeric value 600 is set to “my new probable cause”.
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltAlarm/probableCause"[probableCause=600] {
  label: "my new probable cause";

Customizing alarm types

The predefined alarm types provided in JViews TGO are those defined in ITU-T X.721.

How to change the representation of an alarm type

In the following CSS extract, the label for the alarm type IntegrityViolation is set to “Violation of integrity”.
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltAlarm/alarmType"[alarmType=IntegrityViolation] {
  label: "Violation of integrity";

Customizing trend indications

The predefined trend indications provided in JViews TGO are those defined in ITU-T X.721.

How to change the representation of a trend indication

In the following CSS extract, the label for the trend indication NoChange is set to “Unchanged”.
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltAlarm/trendIndication"[trendIndication=NoChange] {
  label: "Unchanged";