Representing alarms

Alarms are predefined business objects used to represent alarm conditions that occur in managed objects.
By default, alarm business objects are not represented in the network and equipment components. Instead, the alarm state is represented. The alarm state provides an aggregated view of the alarms that affect a managed object. For details on how to customize the alarm state information, refer to Customizing object states.
Alarm business objects have a representation in the table component and in the tree component.

Representation of alarms in a table

Like any business object, an alarm is represented as a row in a table. Each column of the table corresponds to an attribute of the alarm.
Representation of alarms in a table
For information on how to customize a table row, see Customizing table cells.

Representation of alarms in a tree

Like any business object, an alarm is represented as a tree node in a tree.
Representation of alarms in a tree
For information on how to customize a tree node, see Customizing tree nodes.